Chapter 34

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Chapter 34: Reunion

My father, Wendell Acur von Shevaria is a prospered man that owns a dukedom and has a very close connection to the Imperial Family. It's precise to think that he might've had several enemies because of that. However, it's also a matter of fact that many people of lower class wants to make connections with him since it'd give them a merit like advantages or so when they have Duke Wendell's support on their back. I say, it's literally the same as how I make use of my connection with the Duke in order to make the servants be aware of their actions before me.

At any rate, I, who was currently Duke Wendell's adoptive child that he favored as much as he loved his late daughter although I was a person that came from common birth; has become a perfect target among the aristocrats as a result. Most likely, they see this celebration as an opportunity to grasp, in order to be able to be in good terms with the Duke for their own benefit. By using their own children as if they were tools whether they like it or not, at that. Though, they must've hesitated a lot to stick with a plan like that because of the blood that flows in my veins.

(Note: She means the fact that she used to be a commoner.)

It's a common thing to depend to connections in the noble society. Because if not, who knows if one could survive all the hardships on their own without anyone's cooperation, specially when he or she stood on a lower status than others. And so, they lust for power with all means, just to survive.

Somehow, I pity them. Nonetheless, I shouldn't open up my heart for their sake. After all, there's no guarantee if they're trustworthy enough for me to show them the meaning of naivety. For the least, I don't want to throw mud over the name of the Shevarias, before I leave. Because, I, myself, was once known as a part of that family.

Perhaps, that might've been my pride as a noble.

Again, I had a short deep breath with my eyes closed.

I wonder what should I do.~ I thought in a playful tone.

I wanted to hold myself in from thinking 'that way'. However, no matter what I did, it seems like my efforts were no use.

Somehow, looking at their scheming expressions...

Made me want to toy with them.~

Ahh, really..... What should I do?~

With that in mind, I smiled at them innocently.

Many of them had a conflicted demeanor which tickled my sadism further. They probably didn't expect that I would be able to handle things like a true noblewoman would do. Guess, they should blame themselves for taking me lightly.

The air that surrounded us became heavy as I watched the guests with a straight face. And as I witnessed them along with the lingering silence, I saw their faces that started to show emotions of awkwardness.

"...Well then, I hope everyone can enjoy the party."

When I finally uttered those words, I saw some of the people among the crowd, sighing in relief, as though they were freed from the tension.

"Sherryl, just now-", the Duke whispered as soon as I finished my speech.

"I'm truly sorry, father. I was nervous, so.....", I lied while I bowed my head to him.

"Oh..... You don't have to apologize about it. It's okay."

He sure is easy to deceive... I thought with a sense of satisfaction and uneasiness.

Afterwards, Lucian has joined our chat.

"You should've just asked me for help if you were troubled. Well, it's not like I assumed that you would depend on me, okay?"

"I see.", I giggled.

"You better believe me. It's the truth!"

"Of course, I believe in you, elder brother.~"

After our conversation, I set my gaze to the guests once again and tried to find two people that had a bright, silver hair and a curly, blonde hair.

I thought I saw someone that matched the description of one of those two individuals that I was searching for, but soon I confirmed that it wasn't 'her'.

Are 'they' not present...?

I would be very relieved if that was really the case. Nevertheless, it's too strange to think that they wouldn't be attending this celebration as well.

After all, those two are the Crowned Prince and a Duke's Daughter.

Somehow, the fact that Noah and Natasha weren't here at the same time was quite disturbing. Maybe, it was a no wonder for me to think that way since they were lovers in my previous life. But still, there might've been a possibility that their love story started during their childhood days. And just by imagining them flirting with each other instead of coming to my birthday celebration annoyed me a lot, although I didn't want them to show up here in actual.

I pouted as I pictured those images in my mind.

Even though I regretted what I've done to Natasha in my past life, it's not like I stopped loving His (Majesty) Highness as well. He was the first person that I fell for after all.

.......But since I will leave someday, must put an end to this, right? I thought with my eyes locked on the crowd.

Just then, I noticed a boy that was left alone by the other children. He looked so flustered that I, myself, started to pity him. If possible, I didn't want to get involved by something like that since weird rumors might spread once I make the first move to approach that boy. But...

I can't just leave him alone like that, can I? It's hard to just stand here and watch his current state.

"May I excuse myself for a while, father?", I requested.

""Are you trying to run away?"", Lucian and the Duke uttered in sync with eyes of suspicion.

"I'm won't try to do that anymore, okay?!", I honestly replied.

After that, the two of them had a very long sigh while they had a helpless expression. I patiently waited this to pass with words like 'What's with these two?...', written on my face.

"You must come back, Sherryl. You•must."


With that, I thoroughly left them and walked straight to the boy that I watched from afar, earlier.

Good thing, the other guests didn't try to approach me while I carried out my attempt. My speech must've been effective. Though, I can see them gazing at me as they kept murmuring about something to their conversation partner(s).

They're talking about me, aren't they?, I speculated.

But then, my attention was diverted by the boy that I wanted to talk to. As I kept getting closer to his range, I came to have the thought that he was someone familiar to me.

His hair was dyed in pure black and his irises were colored in violet. Several people inside the Empire might've owned the same trait. But...

That mole....... Don't tell me-...

"Aiden Faremanne...?"

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