Chapter 56

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Chapter 56: His Desire

I didn't wish to be swayed by their words and become a convenient tool for their amusement.

I have once experienced the feeling of being used during the days where I was filled with innocence. The feeling of being deceived; I came to know that too well from just one, long journey.

Little did I know back then that living as 'Sherryl Faire von Shevaria' would bring me into a mess that was quite hard to fix. Knowing that there was no going back, I lifted the burden that was left by that mess even if it made me look like a clean-up machine. And that was because I still held my expectations high, believing that the Duke would approve of me.

But reality was as cruel as ever. To think that he would even let me take the blame for accepting his hand back at the orphanage, and for being so bold to go with the flow by pretending to be his precious daughter. All thanks to that, the situation became a lot worse than before.

In fact from there, I no longer had the desire to stay at that damned house.

It was a matter of fact that I loved him as my father. However, I became sick of clinging into false hope. Even for a bit, I accepted the truth that he was finished using me as a substitute of the late young lady of Shevaria. That's why, I was able to look forward on leaving the mansion.

I did my utmost to disperse my naivety from that point, in order to avoid myself from being used as a pawn by other nobles.

With my ties with the Shevaria Family being cut down during those days, I pretty much didn't have any value to the aristocrats anymore. Therefore, my use could only be considered as a scapegoat or a piece that could be thrown away when it was no longer needed.

Whenever I blocked or refused to fall into their traps, being offended, most of them would hire people that were capable enough to assassinate me. During those moments, I honestly felt glad that I learned combat skills from my Mentor.

From that, the current me was aware of how dangerous it was for me to request for anyone to come for my rescue.

That enough could point out that I haven't depended on anybody ever since I got accustomed of the noble society.

As such, Aiden, giving me assistance was quite refreshing and unexpected.

Thinking it back right now, I feel like something similar to this has occurred before time rewound.

As I tightly held the hand that Aiden grabbed to drag me away from the setting, I watched his profile from the back, recalling the incident at the balcony, during the Grand Feast.

During that night, which was filled with sorrow, he lent me an ear and thoroughly handled my wretched self. Even though he could've just abandoned me, he stayed by my side till the end of my weeping.

Ah... How kind he is.......

For not noticing that until this day, I was such an ungrateful person.

I even took away the bright future that awaited him when he gets matured and had him get dragged into my business.

In this life too... I guess I've made another mistake.

How sinful have I become, by now...?

Soon enough, we reached the main gate where the carriages have assembled in a certain range. But before we could get outside the gate, the Imperial Guards have blocked our way.

"I believe the ceremony is still undergoing. What are the two of you doing here? Go back to your parents' side.", said, one of the guards.

The Imperial Guards' statement toward ourselves might've seemed quite arrogant. However, he was an individual that had the right to tell us what was proper since it was merely a part of his duty, specially because he was a guard that served the Imperial Family.

My grip tightened after perceiving the opponent's sentence. There's no way that we could exit the place unless we had a valid reason.

I guess I can't run away from this after all...

The moment I hopelessly had such thoughts with a feinted smile, Aiden spoke.

"The lady is feeling unwell. Please let us through."

"Lying to us won't do- ....."

The Imperial Guard suddenly stopped speaking as soon as I noticed his gaze set at my direction.

He stared at me for seconds as if he was trying to confirm something. Then, he said.

"Pardon me for saying such a rude remark.", he apologized and added.

"Let them through."

""Understood."", his subordinates promisingly replied.

Perhaps, I have been wearing a demeanor that was pale enough for the guard to allow us to pass through the gate. But either way, I felt glad and assured of this result.

Once we've set our foot inside of a carriage that had a crest of the Faremanne Family, I realized how I slowly calmed down with the situation being overcame.

"Take us to House Shevaria.", Aiden ordered the coachman.

"But Young Master, what about the Master and the Madam?"

I flinched when the coachman's question reached my ears.

I see... Aiden's parents were yet to know that we fled from there...!

I worriedly looked straight at Aiden's face in a swift manner.

When he noticed my gaze, he made a tender smile although it looked a bit considerate.

"There's still time before the event reaches its end. The Shevaria Territory is not that far from here. I will be coming back after I send Milady home."

I clenched my hands, biting my lower lip as I couldn't bear not to look away from the person that sat right across me.

I really wanted to punish myself that moment. The person before me has done too many deeds for my own sake and yet I did nothing good for him as an exchange.

Aiden was supposed to be a good leader of the Knights at the Western Division in the future. And his contribution led him to earn the title of an Earl.

I took away his success just because of my own persistence in acquiring his protection. I should be ashamed of myself!

One would naturally think that this is not fair just like I do. As if a mere apology would do something about this...!

'What can I do for Aiden...?'

That question kept me busy, having deep thoughts.

Rather than pondering about that on my own, I came to a conclusion that it would be better if I asked him what he wished for directly.

As such, I asked.

"Aiden... What do you desire from me?"

That time, the atmosphere surrounding Aiden seemed to have changed.

It was a little confusing for me to think that way by instincts. Somehow, the aura surrounding Aiden felt slightly different from before..... or not?

I couldn't understand why I had such an assumption.

After that, with a serious-looking expression in his eyes...

Aiden has uttered an answer.

"I- ..."

"Desire for Lady Melissa, herself."

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