Chapter 52

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Chapter 52: The Shocking Truth(1)

Days quickly traveled until the Mourning Day has arrived in a blink of an eye.

With an empty smile, I rode the carriage while being frozen up from head to toe.

Yeah, right. I thought.

I kept my gloominess internally as I was troubled by the fact that two people rode the carriage with me.

The problem wasn't because it was cramped, but since those two were no other than...

The Duke and the bastar- young master.

In my left was Lucian, while Duke Wendell sat at the seat across us.

Is this some kind of trap?

Somehow, the situation was doubtful.

We didn't really have the need to share the same carriage. And yet, this was the outcome.

*rattle, rattle*

I silently hoped that time would pass by quickly.

There was nothing to talk about between the three of us. And as a result, things have gotten rather awkward.

Except for the sound that was made by the running carriage and its horses, nothing else was heard. It was plainly tranquil.

Lucian's stare was focused onto the view beyond the window, while the Duke shut his eyes with his arms and legs crossed. In a way, we were on our own pace.

Truthfully, I, myself, didn't actually had the desire to converse with them or anything. However, I didn't know that the current circumstance would make me feel more uncomfortable.


I glanced at the Duke for a few moments.

From then, I began to have flashbacks of my interaction with the Priest back at the Temple;

"I have been waiting for your arrival, Lady Melissa."

The Priest, then, wrote a smile on his face.

I couldn't reply to his words that quick for I firstly analyzed whether I was acquainted with him. However no matter how hard I tried to recall who he was, I couldn't seem to find any leads from my memories. Rather, it didn't seem like I've ever met him before.

"So you were acquainted with the Head Priest, Melissa.", the Duchess said, not long after.

The Duchess' words hinted the opponent's identity.

Thanks to that, I finally understood that the man before me was the Head Priest. Nevertheless, even knowing that, it still didn't seem like he was someone I knew.

I was puzzled.

Strangely, his features gave me a sense of familiarity.

Is it because his appearance is a bit similar to my mother...? I wondered.

"Umm..... I don't think I know hi-"

"The Emperor's Queen Consort."

When I was about to gave Duchess Fleurette a reply, the Priest suddenly interrupted.

I widened my eyes from his words, while question marks popped out of the other two's heads.

I paused, looking straight at the Priest's eerie yet pure smile. Thereafter, he asked.

"Would you mind if we change places to continue this conversation?"

".............Yes. Yes, of course."

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