Chapter 107

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Chapter 107: Lethal Vengeance

"Why is my sister bowing in front of a lowly son of a baron like you?"

I quickly lifted my head in order to cease my previous posture before my brother's displeasure, and went ahead to do what I could to lift the burden that was given to Aiden at this moment, with a sense of responsibility.

"You've misunderstood, young master. All I did was-"

"Quite bold of you to say.", I was suddenly interrupted by a man's voice, coming out from the person who stood by my side.

I widened my eyes as I rushed and shifted my gaze over the black-haired juvenile on my left, whom I've suspected to be the one who really had dared to talk back to Lucian while brazenly dropping off the formalities in his speech.

No way...... With such words phrased inside my mind, I was soon ascertained that I wasn't just hearing things.

The conviction slipped through my doubts, the moment I laid my eyes upon his face. Aiden's demeanor gave myself a definitive answer, in an instant.

It was yet another expression that I haven't seen from him before. However, I noticed that describing it as a mere expression wouldn't be enough to explain this change. For it also affected the atmosphere that surrounded himself.

Right. Just like that one time when I asked about his desire so I could give him something of a token of compensation.

As if the young man next to my side has become a totally different version compared to the him that I have long-known, a feeling of unfamiliarity lingered at some point, deep inside my chest.

His eyes glared at the young master that he was supposed to respect at all opportunities, and looked at him with the kind of stare that was more than prepared of retaliating with a fight, if necessary.

No- rather than a fight, it wouldn't be exaggerating of me to assume that profile to be a preparedness for bloodshed, seeing the way he kind of wore a face, similar to a cold-blooded murderer's.

It's just something that even made myself feel the chills down by my spine. And all I could do was make a guess that something unpleasant would legitimately occur soon enough.


In the meantime that I just stood there sillily and shocked, Lucian already fell into my personal bodyguard's provocation before I could notice sh*t.

He made his way into the room with heavy footsteps and stopped the moment he arrived in front of the jet black-haired young man with a slightly shorter height than him.

The atmosphere that surrounded the two contained a lot of pressure, as they stared daggers to one another in that cramped space between their figures.

"And who do you think you are, for you to say that straight into my face?", responded, my half-brother, to Aiden's statement earlier.

UUUUUGGGHHHHHH, WHY ARE THESE GUYS SO- %@$$%@&#?!??!?!!!! I screamed internally, being mentally exhausted of all of the complicated and annoying bullsh*t like this, which kept revolving around my affairs only to pester me consecutively.

To be honest, what would I get after I make an effort at resolving this new problem before my presence, presently? I couldn't see any reasonable grounds as of why I needed to be the one to settle things out right here like a typical heroine, found in cliché novels, other than the fact that I could be found responsible for this in the first place.

So, what is fate trying to tell me now? To get carried along its plans and tell these two guys, 'Stop fighting over me!!' with fake-like tears dripping down my eyes? Am I supposed to do the same as those oh so innocent female leads that I technically feel disgusted of, myself?

I Promise, I'll Leave! But, With No Regrets!!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt