Chapter 122

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Chapter 122: A Woman's Secret (1)

If I were to define fate, I'd resemble it as something as simple as dirt.

Dirt could be so fickle that once stepped, it would automatically get carried away to somewhere far from its original place. If not, even the passing wind could shake it off in an identical manner, so easily.

The past, present, and the future infinitely brims of unspecified potential. Any slightest change in the running cogwheels could have the possibility to change something bigger or greater than expected. Nonetheless, not all things turn out as well and as perfect as one expects the circumstances to be.

For example, an aim that wasn't supposed to hit its original target. Or perhaps...

A predetermined sight of a certain individual lying down the wooden casket.

"Lady Shevaria, do you hear me?"

Being brought back to reality from my dazed state on the outside, I lifted my head to pay attention to the other person's last statement, which I failed to perceive.

"I'm sorry, could you repeat that again, please?", I went on ahead with my pleading with a fake smile, trying to hide the fact that I was out of it for a short moment, earlier.

Gazing at my profile with his chin up, the man narrowed his jewel blue eyes only to prove that he was irked a little by my distractedness amid the situation that proved to be quite disadvantageous to me, unless his support hasn't been acknowledged as quickly.

"I have to admit that you've done well in terms of noticing the obstruction before everything was too late, but... There wasn't a need to display a scene that could be misunderstood by other people, at first glance.", the emperor continued to lecture me for the risky courses of action that I chose to do without thinking twice.

I simply allowed such words to pass, giving in for long to how his blabbering contained some point since the time that I finished my business with that one accomplice whom I dealt with.

In the first place, his support to hide my involvement or even the way how I settled things was what I intended to gain from the start when I advised the imperial guards to report about the captured conspirator back then. I was ascertained that my name wouldn't be left unmentioned after having those bunch become the witnesses of my blood-stenched accomplishment, after all.

Now, thanks to the absolute command given by the dude before my presence, this matter would remain confidential as though it has become a part of the imperial palace's taboos.

"All is well as long as he still lives for the interrogation, no? Rather than that, shouldn't Your Majesty be occupied by the Crown Prince's condition?", I brought myself to speak what's better so I could break free from the scolding which could've caused my ears to bleed if ever it managed to last any longer.

"I can't deny that I'm concerned, but I have a different affair to handle after this. The guy who did the shot apparently died as he attempted to escape the venue from one of the upper floor's balconies, after all."

I smirked at the ruler's face which momentarily gazed some place above to point out the direction where the scene was portrayed. Making use of that material, I soon gestured my hands to represent the mentioned stage like how tour guides would introduce a famous tourist spot to shoo him away.

He could only breathe out a brief sigh after being a spectator of my cheekiness.

"The guests have been sent away for long. I advise you to not make your company wait too much."

"Of course. May great fortune be with you.", alongside the retrieved and neatly polished sword that I borrowed within my grasp, I bowed with all due courtesy and excused myself from the setting where the feast was held, which was now so empty and desolated unlike its cheery atmosphere for about an hour ago.

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