Chapter 40

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Chapter 40: Confrontation

The night fell.

I was summoned to the dining room for dinner. And as I walked down the hallway that led me to my destination, I mustered up my courage with a deep breath.

Tonight, things must be settled accordingly. And I should be prepared for another conflict that might occur as a result.

Still, I couldn't believe that I would reach this point so soon. The difference between the wealth of a noble and a commoner might've been just too much. But rather than that, I should focus on what was before me right now.

I needed to bring out an unclimbable, thick iron wall between the Shevaria Family and I. There was no other better solution than that, because our parting would be a lot more difficult to accept if I get used to the Duke's warmth again.

I refuse to fall for his trap once more. I've learned my lesson based from the memories of my previous life.

As such, I know that there will never be a hope between us, no matter how many times I lust for his fatherly love. A substitute like me doesn't have the obligation to decline the truth anymore. Not to mention, I don't even share the same blood as them.

That's why, the only resolution for this is for us to pretend like strangers just as what we did before I went back in time.

And I, as well, must throw away the expectation that we will reunite as a family again someday.

With that in mind, I made a sarcastic, short laughter in a very low volume.

I could guess that Viola and the butler glanced at my way when they heard a faint snicker coming out from me.

I ignored them and continued to move my feet. Until, I have finally reached a door that leads us to the dining room, itself.

"The young miss has arrived, your grace.", the butler said after knocking the door.

"Good. Let her enter.", the Duke replied from inside.

When the butler heard the master's response, he gently opened the door. Then, Viola and I went ahead to intrude the place.

When I entered the room, Lucian and the Duke silently watched me from their seats with serious faces. I just came there and yet it felt like the battle already started.

I firstly decided to calm down with a gulp, then paid my respects to them.

"Good evening, father. And elder brother.", I uttered.

A sweat dripped down the side of my face when I greeted them. Things were getting more intense in a way.

"Take a seat. Let us talk while we eat.", the Duke briefly advised, then I answered.

"I understand, Duke Wendell."

The Duke flinched.

Ignoring this, I quietly sat on my seat. Afterwards, I stared at the lavish dinner that was set on top of the table.

Perhaps, this is the last time that I will share the same table with them.

"Shall we eat?", I proposed.

"Mhm...", replied, Lucian as he looked at me with a slightly conflicted expression. Meanwhile, the Duke gave me an answer with a nod, as if he considered that he just misheard the way that I addressed him.

Not long after, we began to savor our meal.

The moment I tasted a spoonful of the food, I smiled bitterly.

It was very delicious. Quite appetizing compared to what was served to me sometimes in this mansion, before I went back in time.

Food that could be considered as waste, itself. It's rotten smell reeked so much that it made me have flashbacks of what I ate when I no longer had any place to return to as I roamed around the streets, until I was sent to the orphanage. But luckily, I had such experience so I was able to bear with its disgusting flavor. At least, it was edible. Although, I had stomach aches soon after they served me something like that, it was better than starving. It's not like the Duke would even care if I report about that issue to him.

Come to think of it, I haven't investigated yet of whomever was the one that ordered the attendants to serve me a meal like that...

Either way, I'll get to know the culprit after I break my ties with the Duke.

After I had that in mind, Lucian spoke.

"Sister, you... You're very strange today."

I wondered if I should compliment him for having a good insight. However, instead of that, I have decided to consider his phrase as an opportunity to get straight to the point.

I placed back the knife and the fork that I used, to where it was before. I started to speak once I finished wiping my mouth with a piece of cloth.

"May I ask what you just called me, young master?"

"I should be the one asking you that."

".....Please pardon my mistake."

Lucian continued to make a conflicted look on his face as my words reached his ears. And so did the Duke.

It was a plainly natural reaction. After all, my mannerism toward them at present was too distant compared to usual. It was like we became strangers all of a sudden, for some reason.

"...Is this an act, Sherryl-"

"You've made a mistake in your words, Duke.", I cut in his statement, then continued.

"I am not Sherryl Faire von Shevaria."

"I am Melissa."

Wendell's eyes widened while he met my gaze.

It was unbearable to see his face that went pale. Although he opened his mouth as if he wanted to tell us something, words couldn't come out from it. He became no different from a mute.

He was speechless.

The truth that he denied up until now has been revealed to him this moment. Without a doubt, the Duke was shocked by the way that he stiffened up like a rock right now.


Dashing toward my direction after abruptly making a stand from his chair, Lucian grabbed my shoulders with a strong force and made me face him thoroughly.

"What is this about?! Why did you bring that up?!!"

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