Chapter 39

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Chapter 39: Throwing Money Over A Person's Face Is Oddly Satisfying

Viola courteously displayed the content of the small briefcase in her hands. I was satisfied that she did her job quite well after I carefully checked what was inside and its amount.

With that, I smirked and started to get the attempt done right off the bat.

I swiftly turned back to the lady that fulfilled what I asked her to do, minutes ago. Then with my hand picking up the thing in the briefcase, I said,

"Here's your reward."

Without even letting a second pass after I uttered those words, I threw bills of money right into the lady's face.

"Rejoice.", I said with a smug.

I always wanted to try doing that for a long time. And as expected, it keeps my emotions stable as it makes me feel thrilled. That could literally be a cure for my mood swings.

Though I might've wasted a bit of my savings because of that, it wasn't that much of a big deal since I didn't lose that many. Also, I wanted to dispose of the ones that were made out of paper since that would raise the suspicions of the commoners toward me. Coins are often used instead of bills out there, after all. Moreover, I still have jewelries that could be sold for a high price, hidden in my treasury, so I cared less.

Sometimes, I even wonder if I can run away from the mansion at this rate because I already earned a huge sum of penny and a bunch sellable goods.

But, it wasn't that easy.

Let's say that I have successfully fled from the Shevaria Household. However, a big problem comes after that.

'My age!!'

It's still too early for me to live by myself as a commoner with a child's body. I'd likely get transferred to the orphanage again once people find out that I didn't have a single guardian with me. Furthermore, I wouldn't even get accepted in inns nor could I find a job that was suitable for my age at present.

Reality is cruel..... I thought once I finished throwing all of the money to the lady in a blink of an eye.

The empty briefcase was soon shut by Viola. Thereafter, I turned my backs to them and walked while I swayed my hair for one time with my hand, trying to act cool.

Crap! This is a lot funnier than I thought!!

As I had that in mind, I passed through Aiden and whispered to him.

"I'll contact you about the details. I'm sorry about that.", I spoke in a hurried manner.

And then, when I arrived at a perfect position in front of the Duke and my brother, I stopped my movements and began to bid them a proper farewell.

I courteously bowed before the two in accordance to the etiquette between noble ladies.

"I will be excusing myself here, father. And elder brother."

"This incident must've taken a toll on you. I suppose, I have no obligation to not permit you from taking a rest.", answered, the Duke.

"You can leave the rest to us. But don't forget about our talk later on.", Lucian added.

It will probably be a long discussion. And I could feel the heavy mood that would surround us when that moment comes. I'm pretty sure that they would state out a lot of complaints too.

I just hope that I could manipulate their minds well, specially about the case where I started to act unlike the usual me in front of the Duke. As such, I could only accept that my day would end up in quite of a stressful way.

"Yes, elder brother. I offer my gratitude to father for allowing me to excuse myself here."

"Enough with the formalities, Sherryl. You may take your leave."

As soon as I got the Duke's permission, without looking back, I made my way to the crowd that considerately opened an exit for my sake.

My personal maid, Viola followed me from behind with the small, empty briefcase in hand. And just then, my suspicion toward her rose all of a sudden.

I better check my secret treasury later.

Viola was a person that knew about my secret treasury, where I always hid my pennies and jewelries. Of course, I kept her mouth shut with the 'usual method', (AKA bribery).

Nevertheless, it's not like I told her about the fact that I planned to run away from the mansion in the future. And I felt a sense of relief that she didn't ask about the reason why I mysteriously stored valuables in secret at my hidden treasury. Though, the story will be a little different when she thinks of me as a petty ex-commoner, being obsessed with those kind of things.

But even if that was the case, I always kept an eye on her since it's not like I completely trusted her even if she had that rare personality. Who knows if she was actually someone like Helen, who became a treacherous b*tch toward me at the very end.

As such, I doubted if she secretly took an amount or two in my treasury. I didn't have a choice but suspect her since she was a someone that could be easily bribed by me. And that fact was what I also feared of quite a lot because just what if she was bribed by another person that wants to gather information about me for multiple purposes. What's more was that she's my personal handmaiden so she'd be a perfect person to ask about those things.

Anyhow, I needed to be cautious about Viola and her surroundings.

If only I could threaten her with a sword, it would've been easy...

Alongside such thoughts, I came up with an idea.

Right! The Sword!!

I already had enough money in my pocket for a great escape. And all that's left was self-defense, as well as the breaking of my relationship with this house.

Although breaking my connection with the Duke might unfold a harsh everyday life, I really, really, extremely want to put an end with my goody-ass daughter-like act whenever I'm with him. With that, I can freely sneak out of the mansion for my sword training with Mentor. It's also important for me to regain my strength after all. And I kind of like working out my body by wielding the sword. Not to mention,

If this kind of act continues, things will get harder for me.......

In the midst of my walk back to my room, I abruptly stopped taking my steps.

"I guess it ends here...", I murmured.

My main priority to achieve was fulfilled just too fast. Perhaps, if this was what I did in my previous life, I would've been saved from that long suffering that I encountered. But thinking of something like that right now won't do a thing for me.

Tonight I will put an end to this farce between the Duke and I. And tomorrow will be different from the usual days that I went through at present. Rather, everything will return to how it was supposed to be.

I took a deep breath as I blankly gazed at the ground.

Ahh... What to do......

I feel like crying again.....


Without a single response to Viola, I simply continued to walk towards my destination.

One step... Two steps.......

We continued to move on, enveloped with silence. Nothing else except for the lingering tranquillity, with the light sound of our footsteps.

I Promise, I'll Leave! But, With No Regrets!!Where stories live. Discover now