Chapter 126

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Chapter 126: Triggered Ignition

[]Third Person's POV []

Loud voices of men consecutively overlapped from within the meeting room of the Imperial Palace.

Everyone openly stated their restlessness with the bad premonition that they firmly held within their chests at once, as they revolved around the recent disturbance at the supposedly lively grand feast.

"What of the seized confederate?"

"That is...... he apparently took an opening to bite his tongue to death according to the interrogators."

"Would that mean we reaped not even a single harvest from this? How implausible!"

The people of the council corresponded to one another whilst they were under the spell of being on their toes. Continuing on with the regarded argument, they kept blabbering as though it was to stress their nerves for nothing, like a bunch of fools that danced along the term called fear although they had their cool-headed pretenses.

If they were to mention someone who could still manage at keeping themselves calm even in the middle of this pinch, they would likely narrow it down to the duke of Shevaria and the Emperor, himself, for most of the part.

They wouldn't exactly know how Wendell must be reacting in actuality, but the case was different with the ruler of the Empire's obvious way of treating things lightly, as per the usual.

They have either respected and feared him in a way for that reason, for the years of his coverage, after all. And more than anything else, that applied while they also believed that his composure came from the confidence that he already grasped something internally, relying on the monarch's intelligence since he was a child.

That was exactly how they could laxly offer their trust at Leonard in the past, and until the present, like how they could shamelessly glance at his side by the present time, in hopes of a good solution to come from his mouth.

Then, as if to answer their expectations, they rejoiced at the fact that he begun to move his lips, at long last.

"To combine it with our previous concerns with the case of the late head of Aubetré's treachery, what might you discern from the matter—"


In a flash, the focus of everyone's eyes centered at the figure of the emperor's younger brother, which lied at the very front of the ruler's position, across the long, elliptical table.

After a brief moment of silence and consideration, Duke Wendell Acur of the Shevaria Household has made his firm statement.

"This may be no more than another possibility, but if we speak of the timing of the executed Marquis' material preparation which was through the help of an anonymous source..."

"I suppose, we can't ignore the chance of an involvement led by outsiders, other than the cooperation of an internal force. Specially, considering the fact that we couldn't track a thing in terms of that affair, despite of our developed information network on the inside."

To take advantage of the rowdiness that the people involved in the meeting would frequently show off without even the least of shame, they mutually praised and troubled their minds about the wise idea brought up by the man who was once called the 'War Hero' during the war.

Nevertheless, for they were most hopeful for a definitive solution in the first place, they could only change gears as quickly as they could to poke their noses over their long-awaited, ruler's conclusion.

"It seems like we must hurry and prepare for the worst to welcome a potential enemy.", Leonard smirked to dictate how he was right in the peak of setting free of his impelling, reckless interest.

I Promise, I'll Leave! But, With No Regrets!!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora