Chapter 57

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Chapter 57: A Faint Fragrance

"I... desire for Lady Melissa, herself."


I couldn't help but hold my breath for a second after he told me an answer. Never did I know how to respond to it as if it was nothing big at the same time.

"-to swear that she'd always keep me by her side.", he continued his sentence.


Why do I feel a bit disappointed?.....

I got flustered over nothing. I quickly got ashamed of myself for jumping into conclusions too soon. But, how was I supposed to deal with that misleading statement of his?

".....Is that not possible, Milady?"

As he uttered those words, I felt like I got stroke by a lightning that came out of nowhere. Though it was required for me to reply to him any sooner, it was quite difficult to ignore his cuteness or quit adoring it. He was just too stunning.

"It is possible.", I said with an honest face, which was filled with joy after my eyes got blessed.

Thereafter, I carefully turned on the switch to begin taking the matter seriously.

To say it frankly, I was surprised by his answer. I clearly thought that his ambition was to become an esteemed Knight, just like how it has undergone in my previous life, and break free from the chains that I've set on him. In summary, rather than serving me, I thought he would propose to resign from his current job.

I just didn't understand why he chose to say that.

"It is possible, but... may I hear out the reason?", I asked.

Even if it was slight, I saw him flinching not long after I gave him a question.

Was he intimidated? I worriedly thought.

"...I apologize, Milady.", he said, looking away with his face turning red.

"I... am yet to have the courage to tell Milady the reason...", he continued.

"However, I can promise Milady that I will never bring harm to you, and the Shevaria Household as well."

I remained silent for a while with my gaze straight on Aiden's face.

Although I said it was possible, the time where I will have the need to leave the mansion was drawing near.

Since I already reached the age of twelve, my stay at House Shevaria would only last for eight years. Although eight years might sound like a long period of time, I believe it'd pass by quicker than I think.

That's why...

"I cannot guarantee that I can completely fulfill your wish, Aiden..."

"I am aware that Milady is going to leave someday! However...! I only need you to swear that you'd always keep my by your side before that happens!"

".............That's all..... I need."

My mouth was left half-open, seeing his determination.

Amid that, the carriage stopped moving. I glanced at the window and saw the entrance at the Shevaria Household. It was the worst timing to leave and end the discussion.

"We have arrived, young master.", said, the coachman.

Looking at me, Aiden forced himself to have a friendly smile, then firstly left the carriage.

I Promise, I'll Leave! But, With No Regrets!!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora