Chapter 82

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Chapter 82: A Ghostly Woman's Misery

[]Third Person's POV []

The nobles from the audience seat were astounded at the sight of the woman that was introduced before their eyes.

"Hey, is that really-?"

"Yes. It sure has been ages since I last saw her appearance."

The Marchioness of House Aubetré, Olivia Derek y Aubetré. She was renown to be one of the 'ghosts' among social circles. Ghosts by means of those that doesn't frequent in social activities or interactions within aristocratic families, due to certain personal reasons.

In the Marchioness' case, she had a frail constitution since birth, resulting her to be unable to partake in events that often. It would be once in a blue moon that she'd come and make her entrance, even at parties that were hosted by the Imperial Family.

"Marchioness, is it true that the defendant was not your child, by blood?", the magistrate questioned.

The lavender-haired woman slowly opened her mouth and answered.


It was a short response yet it has been a convincing one from the tone of her speech. Then again, the nobles that watched the show from afar caused an uproar from what they've heard.

"Illegitimate children aren't received well in the noble society, most of the time. That was also the case when the Marchioness has gotten wind of the fact that the Marquis took in the defendant so suddenly. It's just that-"

"They had a specific agreement."

The moment the defense attorney's words reached the jurors' ears, the judge voiced out another question.

"What might that agreement be?"

"If you'd allow, Marchioness Olivia would be the best person to explain what exactly it is."

Taking that upon consideration, the magistrate set his gaze toward the mentioned person and said;

"You may speak."

After hearing the judge's decision, the Marchioness was supposed to explain the details of the agreement there but, no one assumed that they would face a momentary silence before things could be thoroughly clarified.

The magistrate, himself, was mystified of this seemingly-suspicious tranquility. Thus, he had no other choice but to wonder the precise reason for the woman's odd actions.


"...... Before that, may I borrow some of your time to talk about the past?"

"As long as it has something to do with this matter."

As soon as the Marchioness perceived the judge's decision, she carefully took a deep breath as if she was about to release herself from a very heavy burden that she's been carrying for a very long time.

Then, she began to speak of a story of herself; A story that began from one point where she was still at a marriageable age, and when her engagement was just about to be set by her parents.

Marchioness Olivia Derek y Aubetré was a weak-bodied person, as defined earlier. The fact that she had no choice but to stay indoors a lot more than going outside to participate in social gatherings concerned her parents a lot, specially because it could affect her future sooner or later.

The previous Marquis and Marchioness couldn't bear to spare another moment of planning about giving birth to another child to be the successor of the Aubetré Household, just to waste any second of keeping watch of the well-being of their first child. Furthermore, Olivia's health caused their anxiety to rise just by thinking about what would happen to the infant.

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