Chapter 19

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Chapter 19: Expectation vs. Reality♦

*Tick-tock* I could hear the faint sound of the clock while I observed the boring silence in my room.

And as I lied on my bed, I yawned after blankly staring at nothing.

"Guess, it's time...", I uttered then slowly get up from my position.

I quickly took my steps toward the door and opened it with only one goal in mind.

Time to start another show.~ I thought, grinning.

As soon as I arrived at the garden where the tea party between the Duke and I usually took place, I firstly checked if anyone was still around.

And after carefully looking at every single inch of the place while I hid myself behind the bushes, I felt assured that no one was present there for any longer.

From then, I started to carry out what was planned.

As if I hasn't been trying to get sneaky before intruding in that place, I confidently went to my seat.

After that, all what's left to do was to wait for a very long time.

I'm giving my efforts to present a gift for the old geezer. So, don't let me down, Duke Wendell.

Basically, the most important participant for the plan was the Duke. Because, if I don't get his cooperation, the plan will absolutely fail. And that was a definite now that it didn't go with the first possibility.

The first possibility was that the Duke would visit my room to talk with me, wondering what I meant by the message that I told the Butler to retail to him as it is.

But now that he didn't follow that option, I needed to proceed with the same plan but using a different approach.

And what I came up with was to be patient as I wait for the Duke to notice me from the window that connects to his room.

What was right next to the garden was another part of the mansion. And behind one or two of those casements from the second floor lies the master's room.

I've been there for several times when we still had a close relationship so I know that from there, the whole part of the garden was visible. And that includes the area where I am at right now.

The Duke often appreciates the view from one of those windows whenever the sun sets, and hence, I decided to wait for that moment. And when that happens, the act will no longer end as a failure.

The only flaw here was the likelihood that he wouldn't gaze from there because he might've had something to take care with. Nonetheless, even if it came to cross that route, I still had a back-up for what I would do.

Most likely, what would happen after I couldn't meet that occurrence was that the Duke would mention about what was retailed to him during our dinner. And I could simply perform what I needed to do from that point.

'Children are innocent beings.'

I expect that he wouldn't dare to suspect a child like me.

But even still, it was an important factor for me, who was an adult mentally, to enhance my acting skills while I imitate the me when I was a child. Only when necessary, it is, at any rate.

I simply hope that it would proceed as what I've calculated, though. That's less trouble for me... I sighed, praying that I didn't make any mistakes in my judgment.

On the meantime that I wasn't doing a thing, time looked like it passed slowly.

Patience surely provokes my temper at times like this...

Due to the experience of waiting for a very long time, it gradually made me realize that it was VERY boring.

And having the awareness of that, I had a fake smile and stated my real emotions in my thoughts.

You better cooperate after pissing me off like this, you piece of sh*t.

(Note: She is talking about the Duke.)

While I had that in mind, I gazed at the vacant seat that faced my way, next to the other side of the table.

As I kept watching it for a while without saying anything, I felt like I was having a déjà vu.

Although my purpose for waiting for him at present wasn't the same as before, it doesn't change the fact that I was expecting for his presence.

Just like this, I awaited for his arrival until night befalls. But in the end, I met disappointment from his absence, resulting it as if I anticipated for nothing.

This sure brings back bad memories..... I thought, frowning.

Then there, I recollected our final argument and meeting.

That day was incidentally my eighteenth birthday as well. And for a matter of great coincidence, my birthdate was the same as Sherryl's.

I never ounce to want to celebrate it for any longer anyhow, since I lost my motivation about it for so long.

The fact that even the day of our birth was the same made me have the desire to question fate if it was really fun to toy with me.

I could only wonder what I did to deserve the misfortunes that occurred in my life...

First, my dear mother died. Then soon after, I was deceived by receiving false affection and bliss from my second family. And next to that was my one-sided love's tragedy that lead me to death.

And then now, I needed to face all that crap once again.

I feel like nothing good happened in my whole life except for the moments that I had with my mother.

Maybe I was cursed by God.

If so, then I loathe Him.

Now that I mentioned it, I also felt this way before I was executed...

'No pain, no gain.', is what they say but when will that 'gain' ever come to my life? When everything's too late?

Or perhaps, was making me go back in time after my death was the 'gain'? Because, I can change my future from then?

Pah! It won't make any sense! Because even if I try to change it, there's no guarantee that the future will be a better one.

I'll just end up being hurt again in the same place. I'd rather not keep going if I'm just going to feel the pain in the end.

But as if fate would allow that, am I not correct?

Right now, I helplessly feel like a bird.

A bird that could not escape from it's cage, no matter how hard it tries to.

The skies were getting darker for bit by bit. And before knowing, dusk already came.

I guess he's not coming.......

Just when I had those words in my thoughts, I heard footsteps that quickly approached me.

"Runt?", a voice called out.

I looked back to where the voice came from with high expectations. And then...

"Ugh, so it's you..."

"W-what's with that face?!", the boy responded.

I assumed that it was the Duke but instead, my sh*tty brother was the one that came.

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