Chapter 54: Cipher's Enemies

Start from the beginning


Cipher's enemies met at Willie's old Gym. At first they crammed into the Outskirt Stand, but when Scarlet arrived with 27 ex-Team Skull members, they needed more space. It was the first time Lumir and his relatives attended an anti-Cipher gathering. Previously, they only whispered their plans to Lovrina via Eldes. Lyndon knew where Lumir was. He believed he was acting as a double agent. Lumir expected Eldes to speak. Instead, he sat to make way for his nephew. Famous faces looked back at him: Justy, Michael, Wes, Leon, Raihan, Guzma... and the unknown to most, but most familiar to him – his mother.

'Lumir is one of our greatest assets,' Eldes added, 'He may be yet to reach the summit of his strength as a Trainer, but he's endured over six years of acting within Cipher on our behalf. That's no mean feat... especially with Ardos as his father. So, Lumir, don't allow me to steal your thunder. Please update everyone.'

He took a deep breath. 'So... first and foremost... I am, along with everyone else in Cipher, still unsure of the Grand Master's true intentions. I believe he's in agreement with his Admins that Cipher should take over Orre and probably the world. He seems to dislike using Shadow Pokémon and Trainers to do so, but turns a blind eye to it. What he actually wants from world domination is what's unclear to me.'

Jovi whispered to Leon and Abbey. She said something. Lumir only heard Trip's name. His mouth was dry. He wasn't sure if he was concise enough or recounting things in the right order. His audience only waited for him to continue.

'Cipher as a whole is unsure what to do next. Recruitment drives have abruptly ended with everyone called back to The Under, but that doesn't concern the Grand Master, because Cipher has almost 10,000 members.'


Michael was aghast. There were under 500 when he and Wes fought them. Scarlet turned to her dad.

'We're gonna need all the homies.'

'That's the right idea,' Raihan said, 'This isn't just a regional problem. They'll literally take over the world, not just Orre, if we don't work together to stop them. Still... how in Arceus' name have they managed that?! Your coppers really are useless...'

'You're right, Raihan,' Michael replied, 'But they're not the only ones who should've seen this coming. It's not just about no-one noticing the giant lab in the desert. As Willie and Hebon have pointed out, the current state of Orre still enables people to become so disillusioned they can be duped, or full-on tempted, by organisations like Cipher. This needs fixing or they'll be back in another 16 years, no matter how good our cops or how sharp our eyes are. Anyway, sorry, Lumir. Carry on.'

'The Grand Master has booked flights for the two of us and our strongest Peons. We're due to fly to Wyndon and travel on to Motostoke on August 29.'

No-one seemed to understand. 'To release Alfie, Ardos, Nolan and any willing subordinates from jail.'

Nolan was Alfie's ex-manager. Technically, he was the past head of Cipher, but he was merely a decoy to detract attention from Alfie and Ardos who pulled the strings. Scarlet made notes.

'How're they gonna do that?'

'He's yet to brief us – he can be paranoid – but if it's possible to hack his personal laptop, a detailed plan is saved on there.'

She jabbed at her earpiece. 'Yo, Pierre! Deal with Lyndon's laptop. There's a jailbreak plan on there for August 29.'

'What's the point of that?' Lovrina snapped, 'Alfie is, like, so totally useless. Nolan's even worse! Ardos...'

Eldes sighed. 'I suppose he's the prize. He is quite the leader, as you know, Lovrina. It pains me that our father died in jail, alone, for what Ardos essentially coerced him to do. I should never have allowed it to happen... and we mustn't allow anything similar to happen again by underestimating my brother. He is utterly ruthless.'

Lumir wasn't so sure. It was no act that Lyndon despised Ardos. He only considered rescuing him as an add-on to the others. Scarlet nodded.

'Anything else?'

'Hmm... Verzant is currently jailed for standing up to the Grand Master. I've also been speaking with Trip and his friend Wyatt. They both wish to leave Cipher.'

Amber's ears pricked up. Lumir continued.

'The Grand Master has actually told them they're free to leave. However, Trip has decided to meet his father... the Grand Master... first.'

There was a murmur of surprise. Most people present were unaware that Trip was the son of the Grand Master. Jaxon shuffled uncomfortably.


'I... do share a concern with Wyatt that this could cause Trip, who feels unloved, to become endeared to the Grand Master. Providing this doesn't happen... they would like to join me in taking Cipher down from the inside. I think that's all...'

Scarlet stood. 'Great. We actually got some other homies in there. The Shadow Trainer process didn't work on Anabel, thanks to April Schultz.'

That caused a greater ripple than Lyndon's identity. No-one was sure they heard that right.

'Yeah, yeah, she just wants to get out. Anabel's got a phone. She's got all her Pokémon and Jamal Joyner's, too.'


Jaxon's eyes welled up. 'Is he OK? What have they done to him?'

'He's survivin'. He's on our side and there's Looker and that Orrean cop, Harley. They're in the same jail as Verzant right now, but Anabel and April got keys to all the cells. They can release 'em when we give the signal. But we've gotta act soon, or someone's gonna realise those two ain't Shadow Trainers.'

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