2 Weeks Later
I got ready and ate some breakfast then chris came and drive me to school.We arrived and Ami came up to me "Bye see you later have a great day"he said and hugged me. "You too"i said and smiled.Then he walked away "What's with you two"ami asked "nothingggg..."i replied "Don't lie ik u anna even tho we just met a few weeks ago". "Ok ok we are talking,he told me he liked me and i like him too so we started taking"i said "Becareful he's a heartbreaker,he cheated on all three of his gf"Ami said. "What!!are you sure cause that's not what he told me" i said "Yes i'm sure he's a player,we played many girls don't be one of them" she said "I can't believe this he told me he got cheated on 3 times not the other way around"i said "That's what he do LIE to get girls,don't trust him"ami said then we went to class.

Taylor Pov
Today is gonna be a good day cause me and ag are going on a date.I confessed my feelings to her because i couldn't take it anymore,she said that she liked me too but she wants to take things slow so we are finally going in a date i can't believe it.I guest living together helped with our relationship.I still see that she missing that one person i hope our relationship really works out.

-Lunch Time-
Anna Pov
I wen tin the lunch room and saw chris i ignored him and sat next to ami.Soon he came and said "What's wrong" he asked "Nothing"i said "There got to be something you look mad"he said "I'm mad because you lied to me"i said "Lied about what"he asked "Lied about getting cheat on when you the person who cheats and it not 1 person it 3"i said "what how did you know"he asked "Who you planning on to tell me,i really thought you were different and i really liked you"i said "No no anna i didn't tell you because i didn't want to look like a player and lose you,most people lose interest in players and i don't want you to lose interest on me,you are different than anything other girls i talk to and i like you a lot and i don't want to lose you plzz forgive me"he said Oh my did he just "You better not be lying"i said "I promise i'm not lying"he replied "well then i forgive you"i said he came close to me and hugged me and said "ahhh thank you thank you see you later" he said and walked away "Did you see that Ami"i said "Yes mam i did ur i still don't trust him"she replied. "Let just see"i said.

Ag Pov
Today i took Taylor out because she told be that she liked me.I took her to this cool restaurant then we ate.I bought her some flowers and gave it to her and asked her out "taylor will you be my gf"i asked "Wait whatt yes yes hundred thousand yess"she said and we hugged "I thought you would never ask"she said "Why wouldn't i"i asked "Idk i thought u weren't ready. Welp you wrong.Then we went back home and laid in my bed together.Goodnight she said night i replied.

1 Week later
Chris Pov
I woke up early to do something special.Im asking anna out today,she said she liked me and i obviously like her so yea.So i texted her that i'm picking her up for a surprise.I got ready and took a shower and got dressed.Then i drove to her apartment and when i arrived i walked to her door but someone tripped me. "Hey!!what was that"i asked "I tripped you don't you have eyes"she asked. She was pretty tall but i'm taller.Well watch it next time i said walking away "Don't mess with anna or else "she said "Oh else what"i said turning around.
I saw 4 other girls behind her.she poked my chest and said or else i beat you up she said i was backing up and fell to the ground. I wasn't scared at first but when one of the girl show me a machine gun from their leather jacket i kinda got scared and tried to walk away. "So where are you going"they asked "To ann......i meant my apartment"i said walking toward anna apartment hoping they wouldn't know "Hey!!!! that's not the way to your apartment,you ain't slick turn around and go back to you apartment now or else"they said "I quickly got in my car and went back to my apartment.i opened my door and saw this huge letter spelling the *B*word in spray paint and *dont mess with anna or else bruh what am i gonna do now.I can't ask her out now and they spray painted my car ughhh. I texted my friends to see who they are "Dude do you know these 5 girls,they look bad i mean they are,they were about to kill me today"i said "I pretty sure you're taking about the Dykes hazard"he said "WTF is that,do you know their names?". "yea it's ,Leala,Grace,Andrea,Puerto,and jade that's them and Don't worry about it,don't mess with them they will really beat the crap outta you,i got beat up by them many times"he said "Alright thx for telling me man"i said "No problem see you tmr at practice"he said "See ya"i replied.
Ughhh how tf am i suppose to ask anna out now,she texted me a few time but i didn't answer cause of them.

Anna pov
It's been a few hours and chris still hasn't picked me up. He said it was gonna be a surprise.I texted him multiple times but he ignored so i texted Ami.
Me-Hey i have a date with chris and he still hasn't pick me up
Ami-have you tried texted and calling
Me-Yes about millions of times
Ami-Bruhh he playing you i told you not to trust him
Me-Ughh then why would he asked me out
Ami-To ditch you like this i guest
Me-I should've listen to u
Ami-It's ok anna you have me call me anytime you want.
Me-Thank Ami see ya tmr
I waited and waited he never came. How he just really ditched me like that.For once i thought he was the one,the one taht is gonna be better than Ag but if i was wrong.Now i know how it feels like to get played i hate this feeling:I took a long shower laid on my bed and opened my necklace "Ag i wished you were here,i miss you a lot even more now.I love you i hope you are happy right now goodnight bub"
I closed it and fell a sleep.
Author Pov
I hope you like this chapter
How do y'all like the mention??I would put all the people but idk y'all names but yea yesterday comments got me laughing so i thought why not put in some funny stuff.
Good Job dykes Hazard y'all didn't let chris ask anna out.
VOTe AND comment !!!

Meant to be?(Ag and anna)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat