Chapter 28: To plan ahead, A Deadly Experiment

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Nightfall came as we cut to the X-institute where Lisa released her newest invention, the repair bot 3000, which was fixing up the damages of the building in a few minutes.

Lisa: Excellent work there, Repair Bot.

Repair Bot Beeped in reply with a thumbs up.

Lisa: Now that the outside of the Institute is fixed, time to fix, organize and clean the inside.

Lisa and her Repair Bot went back inside. Meanwhile in the training area, Lynn was furiously pummeling a punching bag while Nightcrawler was helping Clyde on teleportation training.

Lynn: (punching the bag; angry) Damn it... Damn it... Damn it!!

Her claws came out as she completely shredded the punching bag, getting Nightcrawler and Clyde's attention.

Clyde: Lynn? Are you okay?

Lynn turns to them with a dark glare.

Lynn: (gritted teeth) Do. I. Look. Okay? Those Project Death-X bastards managed to capture a couple of mutant, half of the family and my boyfriend included, fled like cowards! When I get my hands on them, they'll wish they've never been born!

Clyde flinched as Lynn then sliced another punching bag before storming out of the training area.

Clyde: Lynn...

Nightcrawler: Don't vorry, just give her time to cool down, I'm sure ve'll figure some'sing out.

Clyde: Oh ok.


Meanwhile with the Professor, he was trying to detect the mutants that were taken by Project Death-X, using Cerebro but he felt a toll on his mind from the attack by Dreadfang's device. He took off the helmet and sighs as the door slide open, revealing Jean.

Jean: Professor.

Professor Xavier: What is it, Jean?

Jean: You need to rest professor, you still haven't recovered from the last attack.

Professor Xavier: I understand your concern but I'm doing fine.

Jean: I can tell that you're hurt from that immense attack through your telepathic powers, you're even having trouble using Cerebro due the toll on your mind, I'm having that issue too but you have the worse of it. Please professor, rest yourself to get better.

Charles saw the worry in Jean's eyes as he slightly smiles.

Professor Xavier: Very well Jean, I will get some rest.

Jean: (small smiles) Thanks.

Jean and Charles then leave the room of Cerebro.


Beast, Carol and Lisa were tending to mutants that were injured during the invasion battle, Lisa was finished fixing the whole X-institute with her repair bot as well as making a list of the mutants that were taken by Project Death-X.

1. Tabby.
2. Ronnie Anne.
3. Francisco.
4. Clone Lincoln.
5. Kitty Pryde aka Shadow Cat.
6. Evan Daniels aka Spyke.
7. Bobby Drake aka IceMan.
8. Rahne Sinclair aka Wolfsbane.
9. Jubilee.
10. Roberto da Costa Aka Sunspot.
11. Ray Crisp aka Berzerker.
12. Samuel Zachary aka Cannonball.
13. Angel.
14. Emma Frost.

As well as a few others mutants that were new to the institute as she was writing their names down.

Lisa: Sigh... Hopefully we can find them soon or later before it's too late.

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