Chapter 29: Rescue Mission Pt 1.

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In the middle of the night, we see a lone female figure in a hooded jacket riding a motorcycle in the streets of New York as she makes a quick stop at a bar. Parking her motorcycle, the figure enters the bar as she sees various men and women having a conversation or having a drink, some were passed out on the floor or on the table.

The woman approaches the bartender.

Bartender: Welcome, what will you have?

???: (spoke in a bold female voice) Give me the usual.

Bartender: Coming right up.

The bartender whips the costumer up with a fresh beer and hands it to the woman, who grabs the mug and begins to drink the beverage.

Bartender: So what brings you around these parts? Your first time being in this big city?

???: Yes, been traveling a lot lately to reflect on my life and all.

Bartender: I see. Having some problems in your life?

The woman takes another sip of her drink before speaking.

???: (sighs) You could say that, I had a lot to think about after a fight with someone... I hurt that person real bad, I wish I could take back what I did.

Bartender: Ok. Well I'm not good on advice but if you really regret your actions towards this person you hurt so badly, saying just "I'm sorry" won't do. You need to try to do what you can to make it up to him or her in order to earn their trust and forgiveness.

???: Thanks for the advice and for the drink. (Pays the bartender for the drink)

Bartender: No problem and have a great night.

???: You too.

The woman gets up and walks out of the bar, she then find a muscular thug on her motorcycle, who gave the hooded woman with a sick grin.

Muscle Thug: This is quite a sweet ride you have here. How about you and me drive off somewhere private and have some... fun together~ (gave a seductive growl)

The woman gave him a disgusted look.

???: Ugh. You drive a hard bargain but here's my answer.

The muscle thug was knocked off the motorcycle by a big boot to the face as the hooded woman got on her motorcycle, the muscle thug slowly got up and rubs his head which had a big bruise and had a few teeth knocked out as he glared at the woman.

Muscle Thug: Hey! No one hits me like that! I'm gonna-

He was cut off when his face was caught between two metal claws from the woman's knuckles as she gave him a cold glare.

???: If you want to live to see tomorrow, you'll turn around and walk away. This is your first and last warning....

Muscle Thug: W-what are you...?! Some kind of freak?! A monster?!

???: ...... On second thought. Die.

A third claw shot out of the knuckle through the muscle thug's chin through the skull, ending his life. The hooded woman took the muscle thug's lifeless body and threw him in a nearby dumpster as she got back on her motorcycle and drove off into the streets.

The woman then finds a motel as she parks her motorcycle into the parking zone and heads inside, asking the manager if any rooms were available. The manager had one room left available as the woman paid money for the room as the manager gave her the room key & points to the direction of said room.

The woman walks down the hall, finding the door with the number 9 on it as she unlocked the door with her room key, she enters the room which was well neat with a bed, tv, lamp, a bathroom, etc as she closes the door behind her while walking towards the bed and laying down on it, staring at the ceiling.

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