Chapter 4: Leaving royal woods final part

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Following liam and tabby through the short cut, lincoln, lynn, luna, lisa, ronnie anne, francisco, clyde, maggie and carol made it to the train station.

However, the train was leaving without them.

Lincoln: the train's leaving!

Cop: stop! You mutants are under arrest!

The group turns around to see about twenty armed cops running after them.

Lynn: dang it! They're still behind us!

Francisco: we have to jump up the train's open boxcar!

The group ran after the train with the cops on hot pursuit. They ran to the nearest boxcar but the cops were gaining on them.

Lincoln: the cops are gaining on us!

Luna: dudes we gotta jump up the boxcar!

Lisa: I'm not sure if I'll be able to jump high enough!

Maggie growled in annoyance as she picks up lisa and lincoln and throws them inside the boxcar before jumping inside herself. Luckily, lincoln and lisa landed safely in a huge pile of hay in the boxcar. Ronnie anne got on all fours as she leaped up into the boxcar. Clyde grabs luna and teleports her and himself into the boxcar. Liam and tabby managed to make it up the boxcar accounting their super speed. Lynn, francisco and carol were the only ones still running to reach the boxcar. Carol could see the cops this close to grabbing lynn and francisco, she didn't want them to get hurt so she held up her left hand which encased itself in ice.

Carol: I'm sorry!

Carol shot out a beam of ice, aiming it at the cops. It hits them, freezing them in a huge block of ice as lynn and francisco were catching up to her. Liam quickly grabs lynn and francisco while tabby grabs carol and sped up to the boxcar, escorting them up there.

The group (sans lisa and maggie) cheered happily.

Lincoln: we did it!

Lynn: we're finally blowing this town!

Luna: dudes we fought the law and we won! (Does a rock pose) yeah!

Ronnie anne and francisco: (high fived each other) yeah!

Clyde: we actually did it!

Tabby: rockin' yeah! (Does a rock pose)

Liam: wooohoooo!

Carol: sweet!

The group settled down as they sat on some piles of hay.

Lincoln: thanks for giving us the shortcut to the train station liam.

Liam: (smiles) no problem lincoln, us mutes (mutants) gotta stick together.

Tabby: oi! Luna!

Luna: tabby!

The two hugged each other.

Tabby: it's good to see you mate.

Luna: it's good to see you too.

Tabby: so why are you, your two sisters and lincoln leaving royal woods for?

Luna then frowned as well as lincoln, lynn and lisa.

Tabby: (worried) luna?

Francisco: lynn?

Carol: (worried) what happened?

Lincoln: (sighs sadly) well you see...

Lincoln told tabby, francisco, maggie, liam and carol the whole story of how he got beat up by lori for accidentally breaking her phone, his powers awakening, slicing off lori's hand and the other sisters (sans luna, lynn and lisa) yelling at him to leave and never come back.

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