Chapter 17: Lincoln, Lynn and Luna vs Logan, the Wolverine

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Logan lunges at the four howlett siblings with claws ready to hack and slash. Lisa gets professor Xavier out of the way as logan tackles lincoln, lynm and luna out of the window, shattering it.

Lisa: siblings!

Professor Xavier: oh dear...

Outside, Logan threw lincoln at lynn as the two fell to the ground. Luna gets up with her claws out as she saw logan stomping towards her with claws and teeth bared, growling.

Luna: dude! Calm down, we're not here to fight you! We just want to talk!

Logan: grrr.... that's what all of you weapon X copies say bub. You'll talk alright... when 3 claws are at your throat.

Logan lunged at luna, trying to slash her but luna dodges and blocks the claws with her own as she kicks logan away. She unloads on him with a combination of strikes with her claws as Logan took the attacks head on and slashes Luna across the face.

Luna slowly looks at logan as the gash across her face healed up good as new. Logan growls as he tries to attack but the rockstar ducked underneath and got logan in the full nelson hold, trying to keep logan still.

Luna: (grunts) ngh! Logan listen to me! We're not clones, we're your-

Logan broke free and flips luna to the ground, leaps and lands on luna with a knee and a claw in her back.


Logan raises his left clawed fist.

Logan: now bub... who sent you-

Logan was tackled by lynn, who was giving logan some claw jabs to the chest but logan endured the pain and knocked lynn away but the athlete lands on her feet, smirking.

Lynn: man, you're tough! I always wanted to spar with you and now I get to!

Logan: you got guts kid, too bad I gotta slash 'em outta ya.

The two lunged at each other as they were unleashing wild violence upon the other. Lynn was having a blast to fight her real dad though the situation was bad as Logan wasn't feeling the same way. Lynn hits a couple of heavy hits to logan but he then grabs lynn's right hand, throws a couple of heavy hits of his own and throws lynn into the bushes.

Logan sees Luna getting back up as he runs towards her. Luna saw this and immediately got out of Logan's way and slashed him in the back.



Luna attacks him full force, delivering an assortment of strikes to the wolverine but logan was on the defensive as he counters luna's claw attacks, hitting her with a big boot that makes her stumble back but didn't fall as luna came back with a spinning kick to Logan's head, knocking him down.

Logan gets up and charges luna, knocking her down as he tries to slash her. Luna blocks his claws with hers as lincoln leaps from behind and jabs his claws into Logan's back.

Logan: rraaaaggghhhhh!!!

Lincoln: GRRAAAHHH!!!

Lincoln jabs his claw into his back again as Logan yelled out in pain but grabs lincoln and throws him off his back. Luna kicks logan off her as she regrouped with lincoln and lynn.

Luna: huff... huff... man, he's wild.

Lynn: yeah, you're telling me! Why is he attacking us though? We're not his enemies!

Luna: he said something about weapon X copies... I think logan thinks that we're clones of his DNA  trying to kill him.

Lincoln: he must have us confused with someone else.

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