Chapter 6: 9 years later...Part 2: Life in the Howlett House

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Narrator: Miami, Florida. The Howlett House.

(A/N: I decided to name the group of mutants to go by the howlett family also naming their home the howlett house, just putting it out there.)

The scene shows the howlett house, a huge and beautiful home own by the family of 11 mutants in the upper east side of Miami. The scene cuts to inside the house in the living room where 19 year olds lincoln howlett, ronnie anne santiago and clyde mcbride were having a standoff as they were a few feet away from each other, glaring into each other's eyes.

Why? Because they're aiming for the item on the glass coffee table in the living room, the remote to the plasma wide screen tv.

Lincoln: (spoke in a slightly deep voice) (glares) this is your last chance you two. Leave the remote to me and no one gets hurt.

Ronnie anne: (spoke in a mature and raspy female voice) (glares) heh...the only one who is going to get hurt is you, Lame-O. (Smirks)

Clyde: (spoke in a deep voice) (glares) sorry guys but that remote and tv is coming home with me.

The three mutants glared daggers at each other for a moment until clyde teleports closer to the coffee table, grabs the remote and teleports away. Lincoln and ronnie anne sniffs out his sense.

Lincoln: he's upstairs!

Ronnie anne: after him!

The couple ran upstairs in find clyde heading towards the attic. Clyde saw them and tried to escape but lincoln and ronnie anne tackled to the ground, resulting in a huge fight cloud between the three nineteen year old mutants. The fight cloud dispurted as clyde was unconscious on the floor and it was down to lincoln and ronnie anne. Lincoln had the remote in his hands and ronnie anne had her sharp black claws out.

Ronnie anne: (glares) that remote is mine, Lame-O.

Lincoln puts the remote in his jacket pocket as his bone claws came out of his knuckles.

Lincoln: (smirks) then come and get it.

Ronnie anne lunged at lincoln as the white haired man did the same but ronnie anne pounced low and spear tackles lincoln down the stairs, resulting in another fight cloud between the couple as they were slashing each other to get the remote. The fight cloud ended with lincoln on the ground, yelling in pain as ronnie anne locks his right arm in the armbar.

Ronnie anne: (smirks) if you want the pressure level on your arm to not be at high, you'll hand over the remote, Lame-O!

Lincoln: (yells) NEVER!

Ronnie anne: know how your healing ability can repair your body from any damage? (Smirks) let's see if you can regenerate your arm when I rip it off your body!

Ronnie anne puts more pressure in the armbar on lincoln's arm, making him yell out in pain. Lincoln tried to escape but the hispanic tomboy wouldn't let him go so easily. Seeing no way out, lincoln tapped out with his left hand.

Lincoln: alright! Damn it alright! You can have the remote!

Ronnie anne releases her boyfriend's arm as she takes the remote out of his jacket pocket as she got up.

Ronnie anne: (smirks) thanks Lame-O.

Lincoln gets up while getting the feeling back in his right arm.

Lincoln: man you like to play dirty, don't you?

Ronnie anne: well you are talking to a street fighting champion, Lame-O. If you were in the ring with me in the underground fight club, it's anything goes.

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