Chapter 27: I've Chosen my Path

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(Author's note: Before you read the chapter, here's a quick message. Check out some great loud house stories called the Sisters of Combat by lionsnation32 and Loudest missions for the Loudest Squad by Cantthinkofonr as well Loud Lights: Project Divine Light by Icewolfking, The L-Squad by CartoonNetwork90sfan, LH: Wrestle Warriors by JonahShwarts and Loudverse Multiverse: Borderless Worlds Wattpad Edition by DavidReed122. Check them out, give these awesome writers a follow and check out more of their amazing stories, now back to the chapter!)


Lucy was standing over the three howlett siblings as they slowly looked up at the super soldier goth as her shadow loomed over them while feeling immense pain from Dreadfang's device.

Dreadfang: Go ahead luce, deliver the final blow.

Dreadfang slams lisa down and puts his foot down on her back, making the genius cry out in pain while he takes a gun out of a dead soldier's hoister, checking the bullets as he grins while throwing it to Lucy.

Dreadfang: Here, use the gun.

Lucy caught the gun and looks at it.

Dreadfang: It's loaded with adamanium bullets, you can shoot them in the heart or the brain and they won't heal from that, hahaha! Surprised this bastard down here didn't use it. (Kicks the corpse) Now he's dead for it.

Lucy looks at the gun and looks at Lincoln, Luna and Lynn, who had pained expressions.

Dreadfang: (impatient) Go on! Do it, They ruined your life, didn't they?! So take revenge & pull the trigger!

Lucy then aimed the adamanium bullet loaded gun at the three siblings. The giant soldier goth saw the looks in their eyes... anger and betrayal just like... hers when....

Lucy: ........

Why isn't she pulling the trigger? Lucy finally have her former siblings at her mercy, ready to exact revenge on them for ruining her family so why hasn't she shot them yet? Random thoughts were going through lucy's head as she struggled to focus.


In the loud house, someone clogged the toilet and the sisters immediately point the finger at Lincoln due to his history of clogging toilets but this time he didn't do it, making his father grounded all of the siblings until the culprit is found.

Lincoln tries to investigate with the help of Lucy but none of the loud sisters were guilty of the crime that is... until Lincoln found some clues involving a princess pony book which lead him to the true culprit being Lucy loud herself, who admitted that even she needed a break from darkness now and then, she didn't want the others to know or they'd make fun of her for the rest of her life. Lincoln was sorry to hear that but he tells Lucy to come clean as the sisters still think he did the crime, Lucy says that they'll tease her even worse and wouldn't be able to handle it but reluctantly agreed to tell them.

Though, Lucy was about to tell the truth, Lincoln admits he clogged the toilet and was the one who reads princess pony, the loud sisters would laugh with Lori saying, "of course we're going to make fun of you... only for the rest of your life", as Lincoln was looking forward to it.



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