Chapter 24: A fallen Utopia pt 2- A mutant talk: Grave Tormentor vs Magneto

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We cut to the X-institute training area where we see Scott in his X-men hero attire as he was sparring with Lincoln, Francisco and Maggie.

Lincoln was dodging and evading Cyclops laser blasts as he lunged at him with metal claws out while he leaps up to attack Cyclops. He dodges lincoln's claw strikes and low sweep kicks Lincoln off his feet to the ground, Cyclops then fires a laser blasts at Lincoln, who flips back to evade Cyclops blasts as he runs towards him as lock fists with Cyclops, exchanging hits with one another.

Cyclops: You're not too bad but you still got a lot to learn.

Lincoln: Heh, I'm no rookie, I've been training with my family for 9 years to learn to use these powers so don't underestimate me.

Cyclops smirked.

Cyclops: Alright then, let's see what you got.

While the two were sparring, Francisco was brawling with Maggie. The athlete brought up his steel skin as he was crossing fists with the 500 pound emo woman. He delivered a lot of strong steel fists to Maggie, who felt the harsh impacts on her massive stomach.

Maggie: (grunts) Ngh.

Maggie then punched francisco back, making him stumble far into a few trees, crashing into them. Francisco slowly gets up to see Maggie instantly appear with a big fist ready to grind it into francisco but the steel skin athlete blocked it with his hand as the ground shook immensely.

Francisco: Whoa! You nearly had me, thank goodness for steel metal skin.

Maggie: Hmph. I still have more up my sleeve.

The two started to brawl at tremendous strength and power. While the four mutants were continuing with their sparring, Luna and Lynn were watching them from the sidelines.

Lynn: Quite the sparring session these four are having, makes me wanna join in.

Luna: Naw, let them have their own session sis, they're having a good time here.

Lynn: Alright then, fine.

Luna and Lynn turn to leave, only to bump into Logan.

Logan growled.

Lynn: Grrrr back at ya too.

Luna elbows Lynn in her side.

Lynn: Ouch, Ok, Ok.

Luna: Look da-I mean, Logan... we're just going for a walk, we don't want any trouble dude.

They were about to leave but Logan stopped the two women.

Logan: I want to talk to you three, where's the white haired man?

Luna: Oh, one second... Lincoln!

Lincoln and Cyclops stopped sparring and looks at Luna, Lynn and Logan.

Luna: Ya got a sec? We need to talk.

Lincoln stares at Logan for a moment before looking at Cyclops.

Cyclops: Go, we'll finish our sparring session later.

Lincoln: Okay.

Lincoln then walks towards the three while Scott spars with francisco and maggie.

Lincoln: Alright I'm here, whatta you guys need?

Luna: Logan wants to have a chat with us dude.

Lincoln looks at Logan with an unsure look.

Lincoln: What would you like to talk about...?

Logan: .... Follow me.

The three siblings nodded as Logan turned to walk away with the three following him.

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