Chapter 13: A relaxing night

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Night have appeared. After hanging out at the pool, the howlett family return to their hotel room, in their casual clothes to find lincoln and ronnie anne watching tv, maggie asleep on the bed and lisa studying the adamantium in the three containers.

Carol: hey guys.

Lincoln and ronnie anne turn to carol and the others.

Lincoln: hey carol, did you guys enjoy the pool?

Carol: (smiles) yeah it was fantastic.

Luna: (smirks mischievously) so bro... how was your alone time with ronnie anne, huh?

Lincoln and ronnie anne blushed.


Maggie: and you're about to be thrown through a tv if you don't pipe down....! I'm trying to sleep...

Lincoln and ronnie anne shuts their mouths. The last thing they want is for a 500 pound enraged emo rampaging through the hotel because she was woken up like a bear in hibernation.

Clone luna: well clone bro, clone sis and I are heading to our room next door on the right, holler if you need us linc.

The three clones left.

Carol: well myself, liam, tabby, clyde and francisco are heading to our room next door on the left and don't stay up too late lincoln, luna, lynn, ronnie anne and lisa. Tomorrow, we're going to see professor charles xavier and you three will finally meet your father.

Lincoln, luna and lynn nodded.

Carol: well goodnight.

Carol, liam, tabby, clyde and francisco took their leave, which leaves lincoln, ronnie anne, luna, lynn, lisa and maggie, who was asleep.

Lynn: so... Tomorrow is the day...

Luna: yeah dudes, I'm so stoked that we're gonna head to the X-institute tomorrow to meet our dad.

Lynn: plus, we're completely like him now (shows off her single metal claws).

Luna: (her double metal claws came out) yeah... we have the gear in order to track him now. (Eyeing her claws) man, the adamantium really fills me with so much energy.... I feel like I can take on anything, plus these metal claws are really rockin'...

Lynn: I know... I feel like I can take on the whole world with these adamantium claws. Whatta you think lincoln? Lincoln?

Lincoln was silent for a moment until getting up and heading to the balcony, outside of the room.

Ronnie anne: what's gotten into him? I'll go talk to him...

Luna: no. Lynn and I got this one.

Luna and lynn walked out to the balcony where lincoln was staring off into the city.

Luna: lincoln... aren't you excited? Tomorrow we're finally going to see our real father, dude.

Lincoln: sigh.... I know.

Lynn: lincoln, we talked about this. There's nothing to fear, just hope for the best.

Luna: she's right bro, don't get yourself all riled up.

Lincoln: but-

Luna: but nothing. C'mon linc, this is our chance to see him, your chance. Ya can't back out now bro.

Lynn: we're in this together even if I have to put you in chains and drag you to the X-institute.

Lincoln: (smiles a little) okay guys, I understand.

Lynn and Luna smile.

Luna: glad to hear it bro.

Lynn: yeah... now let's hit the hay, we gotta get up in the morning.

Lincoln: sure.

Lincoln, Lynn and Luna head back to the hotel room for some rest, but was unaware that someone was watching them from the bushes outside.

To be continued...

(Chapter 13 is finished! Please like and comment on this chapter. Chapter 14 will be ready sooner or later, this is omegacrow fading to black...)

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