Chapter 22: Harsh Encounter

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Meanwhile at the X-institute, we see Logan training with some drones well... more like tearing them down one by one. Once he was done, logan grabs a bottle of water and drinks it.

He sighed as he had a lot on his mind right now. The fact that he found out that Lincoln, Luna and Lynn are his... children, due to a drunken sexual intercourse that happened years ago. He was angry and shocked but was not disgusted with the three siblings.

He just needed some time to himself, to clear his head and to think about the matter at hand.

Meanwhile, Lisa was in the lab with dreadfang, who was slowing healing from whatever torment lisa put him through as his eyes were hollow and pure white.

Lisa: I almost have what I needed, only a few more until your mind breaks... (stomach growls) Perhaps I shall reward myself with a snack.

Lisa leaves the lab and the trapped dreadfang as she went to grab herself a snack. Upon entering the dining room to the kitchen, she sees lynn and luna.

Lisa: Greetings siblings.

Luna: Hey sis.

Lynn: Sup lis. How's the interrogation going?

Lisa: Subject: Dreadfang is nearly 97.9 percent close to his breaking point and I intend to continue the interrogation until he confesses everything.

Luna: Okay....

Lisa: Where's our male sibling?

Lynn: He went after grim soldier.

Making a sandwich, Lisa looks at lynn and luna.

Lisa: I see.

Luna: Yeah... I'm worried about the dude, He's getting too riled up about the grim soldier and is letting her get under his skin.

Lynn: Yeah.

Lisa: I understand, I was analyzing the blood sample from the grim soldier's blood message, finding an ideal match to see the masked mutant's true identity. After a few scan fails, I have to a match.

Lynn: Ok, who is this soldier that's trying to kill our brother?

Lisa: The grim soldier is really-

Lisa was cut off when she, lynn and luna heard the sound of the front door being kicked open. The three siblings left the kitchen and ran through the dining room to the main hall to see lincoln and ronnie anne carrying an unconscious lucy/grim soldier.

Lisa: And my theory was corrected.

Luna: Lucy?!

Lynn: Lucy's the grim soldier?!

Lincoln: Yeah, we know now lisa... get her to the lab...

Lisa: Very well... follow me.

Lisa lead them to the lab. Lincoln and Ronnie anne place the unconscious Lucy on the second lab table, placing the mutant proof cuffs on her.

Lisa: Sigh... How the former sibling has fallen...

Lisa pulls out a syringe and injected it into lucy's arm, suddenly waking the supersoldier goth up.

Lucy: Ooooooh.... uhhhhh... where am I...?

Lisa: In the lab and our prisoner.

Lucy jolted up to see lisa, luna, lynn, ronnie anne and lincoln staring coldly at her. Lucy then growled angrily, sending a glare in lincoln's direction but the white haired man was unfazed.

Lucy: You... (was gonna attack him but couldn't because of the mutant proof cuffs on her) Grrr...

Lisa: Good, you're fully awake... now you're going to answer each question or else you'll be put in a grave where there's no crawling back out...

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