I shook my head and opened my eyes, "I'm tired, I've never been to one and I've heard that things get pretty rough down there." I said, my voice hoarse. I nestled back into in my chair and let my eyes close once more. "I'm just going to..." I didn't finish as I let myself fall into the dark abyss of sleep.


Something was touching my shoulder, jabbing it. I tried to knock it away, but it kept coming back. I finally realised I was rousing from my sleep and moved to stretch. I yawned as I opened my eyes and came face-to-face with a concerned Liam. I shot up with wide eyes and gripped his hand, "Are you alright?" I asked worriedly.

His eyes travelled to the window where flashing lights and loud, bassy music was evident. We were at the club. He turned back to me and bit his lip.

"I don't know if we should go in there."

I smiled a bit and leaned forward to peck him on the lips. "Well, I told Anna I'd come with her. So lets just get this over and done with." I said with another yawn and flung open my door. The cold air hit my bare legs and arms, making me start to shiver violently. Liam came over to me and grabbed my hand, pulling me extremely close to his side, not that I was complaining. He shrugged off his jacket and put it over my shoulders, eyeing a group of men who were smiling at me suggestively.

"Come on, lets go inside." I said as Liam put an arm around my waist.

When we entered the club, the loud music was deafening and the flashing lights were blinding. I stumbled through the large crowd that was cocooned in the middle of the dancefloor.

"Where are they?" I yelled over the music to Liam as I dragged him through the large throng of people. We scanned the crowd, yet there was still no Anna or Caleb in sight. I sighed irritabely and crossed my arms, which effectively made me let go of Liam.

"She made me come here, yet she's not even present. What a great friend." I commented, before turning back to face Liam. He was furrowing his brows at something, then all of a sudden yelling and screaming was evident. What the heck was going on? Everyone was going wild as they watched the beginnings of the fight, and from what I could see, they were pretty tough looking. I looked up at Liam with wide eyes and as he reached for me, someone pushed me in the opposite direction. I stumbled back and fell into something hard. With little effort, they shoved me off them with a grunt, and into an open space. I fell down on my butt, and looked around whilst rubbing my back.

I was in the circle where the fight was.

I scrambled to my feet and was about to push my way through the crowd when something - or should I say, someone - huge landed on me. The air was knocked out of my lungs and I fell onto the hard, dirty ground. The loud crack! of my chin coming in contact with the floor made me cringe and feel the swell of nausea in the pit of my stomach. Pain unleashed through my jaw and I groaned when the heavy weight on top of me didn't move. The fighting ceased for only a second, before everyone decided to get involved. I shoved the unconscious guy off of me and stood, only to be knocked to the ground once more.

"Liam!" I shouted out in panic, laying immobile on the floor. I saw black begin to dot my vision and I blinked my eyes to make them go away. "Liam!"

People were trying to exit the club at a frantic pace, but it wasn't just the fight that broke out in the middle of the club. All the guys were fighting, but the girls were huddled in a circle. What the heck were they doing?

I felt exhaustion and fatigue wash over me as I stumbled into a standing position. I didn't even realise I was crying until a tear fell to my arm. I was about to rush over to the girls to see what they were doing, when a wall of underdressed bimbos blocked me off. I eyes them with distate and tried to walk around the group, but only managed to get pushed back. What was it with everyone and pushing me?

"I don't think so." The bleach blonde snapped, cocking her hip to the side and laying a hand on it. I narrowed my eyes.

"Don't think what? A lot? I noticed." I hissed back, trying to walk around her once more, yet failed again.

"He may head over heels for you, but we someone like you isn't meant to have someone like him. He's hot, sexy, an amazing singer and you're nothing. What could he possibly want with nothing?" She inquired heavily, getting right up in my face. I was about to retort when the screaming and yelling became coherent to my brain.



"FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER LIAM, IT'S 'I LOVE THE PAYNE'! PLEASE?!" My eyes widened and looked back at the bleach blonde with surprise.

"These girls are trying to get with my boyfriend?" I asked harshy. She smirked and gripped my arm.

"He's not yours." She whispered, before shoving me to the ground. "He doesn't even want you. He's taking pity on you."

She brought her high heel clad foot to my stomach and pushed down slightly, making me wince. "And if what I've heard is true, you're tainted goods Littlemore, so just back off before you get yourself hurt." She hissed, pressing her heel down harder.

I cried out, and before I could say anything else, a hand gripped her arm, and pulled her away from me roughly. She looked down at her arm in awe and started to slightly hyperventilate. She rushed over to her friends and pulled them away after sneering at me.

"OH MY GOD, LIAM PAYNE TOUCHED ME!" She screamed excitedly.

Liam's frantic and worried expression appeared in my line of vision. I almost cried wtih relief when I saw him. He bent down and my arms shot around his neck. He lifted me with ease and I tucked my face into the crook of his neck, breathing in his familiar scent.

"I can't believe this happened." He whispered as darkness began to cloud my vision. The last thing I heard before I let the dreams take away reality was, "It won't happen again."

Oh how I wish he never said that.



Just wanted to ask if any of you have heard of the whole Mr. X thing? Holy crap, the Tumblr thing as well? It's actually freaking creepy.

Apparently in MSG tomorrow, someone's going to kill Harry and then everyone else, and some other's say it's just Niall that's going to die.

I'm officiall freaked. If you want to know why we're believing this? Well he/she's already made two correct predictions and now this...

 I can't handle this

Let's just pray it's some stupid kid that thinks it's funny to mess with us.

Anyway! Thank's for reading!

Much love!!

~Madison x

Another World: A One Direction FanFic (Under major reconstruction)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя