Chapter Six: Decisions

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Hi guys! Yes, I wanted to post really early since I'm loving your comments <3 Thank you for reading this!

Please tell me what you think, I love your feedback and if you want me to read your stories don't be afraid to ask in the comments :) I'm a romance freak, so I'll read anything in that category :3

Okay, so here's your Chapter Six!



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                                                    *~~Chapter Six: Decisions ~~*

"Hello?" I croaked into the phone, I had just been having a really good dream that twisted itself into a nightmare, I was kind of glad for the interruption of my beauty sleep. I glanced toward the mirror door on my wardrobe and grimaced, a whole lot of good that beauty sleep did me. Note the sarcasm.

"Honey, why haven't you been answering your calls?" I leant my forehead on my hand as I searched for a plausable answer. Everything was still hazy since I was practically half asleep.

"Anna, look, I wasn't in the mood. I just wanted sleep." I said pointedly, looking over at the clock. It was 5:43 in the morning!

"Well I couldn't sleep knowing you were like this." I heard her sigh into the reciever. "I can't believe you never told me." She added quietly, more to herself than me, I think.

"Look Anna," I said tensely. "It wasn't something I ever wanted to the think of again, would you?" Silence. "I didn't think so. I'm sorry I never confounded in you but I just couldn't. It's humiliating, shameful, I felt disgusting, dirty it was horrible. I don't care who it was, I never want to relive it again, okay?"

"Okay." She agreed reluctantly. "Sorry I woke you up, I just wanted to make sure you were okay. If you ever want to talk, Sum-"

"Yeah, I know, you're there for me. Just do me one favour."


"Don't tell mom or dad. Got it?" I didn't want them to find this out. I did everything by myself when it happened and I don't need anyone trying to but in now. After the dance and the attack I came hope with nothing but a blank expression and a sore body, no one would have ever guessed.

"Of course, I'll see you at school." And she was gone.

Thinking back to that day, I would never have guessed myself.

The lower half of my body ached with a painful throb as I rushed through the throng of people crowding the dancefloor by the exit door of the gym. I heaved the door open and looked around for Anna or any familiar face, but saw none.

Where were they when I need them most?

The tear stains were visible on my cheeks but no one payed any attention to the invisible girl, no one cared that I was bruised and battered, no one cared I had blood dripping down my legs from the underside of my short, flouncy dress.

I couldn't cry anymore, I had to stay strong, for me. I wiped evidence of tears off my face and raced to the bathroom. No one was in there so I cleaned myself up, cringing as I patted some sore spots, cuts and bruises.

My thoughts continued to betray me as they kept going back to what had only happened only moments ago. How could this have happened to me? Why would Heath go that far? He hurt me, used me, stole my first kiss, my virginity.

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