Chapter LVII

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"Come on," Nat whispered. "before the guys come back and see us!"

Grace emerged from the training room with an army green duffle bag slung over her shoulder and a garment bag drape over her arm. "Let's go!"

With the help of Wanda, Nat and Grace stuffed several bags and two crates of sound equipment into the back of a Stark Industries van that was in the garage. The three women climbed in the van and headed for Central Park.

The threesome quickly set up the wireless SI sound equipment and put together two small curtained booths, one behind each of the two large main speakers, to use as changing rooms. The set up gave a vague impression of a stage. Grace and Nat each ducked into a curtained booth while Wanda took a few steps back.

Both Nat and Grace wore simple leotards (Grace in white and Nat in black) with the plan of just changing out the accessories when needed

The clock struck noon. On cue, Wanda turned on the sound system with a flick of red magic. The theme of the ballet Cinderella issued forth. Grace came out from her side wearing a sparkling white tutu, a blue and silver crown and a blue satin ribbon around her throat. It was her latest piece; one of the lead solos from the ballet, receiving moderate applause from the gathering crowd

Next, the sultry notes of Esmeralda's theme from the Hunchback of Notre Dame wafted over the audience. She stepped out wearing a purple and gold scarf tied over her black tutu, a gold coin headpiece, and a tambourine in hand. With all grace and precision at the Red Room had engrained into her since early childhood, she performed Esmeralda's signature solo. At the rousing climax, the crowd burst into cheers and applause.

After a fleeting costume change, Wanda played the next song, Swan Lake. Grace came out in all white (a sparkling white tutu, white-feathered armbands, and a white feathered headband); she was the White Swan, Odette. Nat emerged in a costume identical to Grace except it was all black (glittering black tutu, black-feathered armbands, and a black feather headband); She portrayed the Black Swan, Odile. They danced an original piece they choreographed themselves, using many of the signature moves and steps from the original Swan Lake dances. They dance in perfect synch; exact mirror images of each other. When the last note signaled the end of the performance, the crowd erupted into thunderous applause and cheers. One park-goer stepped forward, clapping vigorously.

"That's my Spider-Girl! That's my Cinders!"


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