Chapter XLV

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"Who?" Pepper glanced around the room for any suspicious-looking characters.

"Him." Grace pointed to a thin man leaning against the waiting room desk, talking with the receptionist. He had a pale complexion, slicked back platinum blonde hair, and icy blue eyes.

"You...know him?" Pepper asked.

"He looks almost exactly" Grace trailed off, closing her eyes and shaking her head. Pepper took in her friend's white face and faintly trembling form. The little blonde look ready to bolt any moment. "I...I have to get out of here..." Grace breathed, quickly turning her back to the man so that he could not see her face.

"It's okay," Pepper soothed, putting her arm around Grace's shoulders. "Happy will be here with the car any minute."

As soon as the vehicle pulled up to the doors, Grace fled the building and climbed in, not even waiting for the car to come to a complete stop.

"Grace!" Pepper dashed after her, climbing in beside Grace. Happy hopped out and ran around the car to check on them.

"Miss Potts, is everything all right?"

"No, Happy; we need to get home as possible. Something spooked Miss Rogers very badly," she answered. Happy quickly closed the door, dashed back around the car and got in, revving the engine and finding quickest route back to the Tower.

Pepper quickly turned to Grace. "Honey, what is gong on?"

Grace just sat there, huddled in her seat, hugging herself and muttering in German. She began to tremble slightly as Pepper put her arms around the younger woman once more. "It'll be okay, Grace; we're going home. Happy is taking us home." Pepper glanced up toward the ceiling. "JARVIS, I need to talk to Steve and Bucky."

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