Chapter XXXVII

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"Is everything okay in here?" Bucky asked as he entered the living room. He had had enough with waiting in the kitchen.

"Bucky!" Grace cried out happily. She rushed over, hands outstretched. He caught up her hands in his as she reached him. She looked him up and down as if for the first time.

"You know who he is?" Clint asked.

"Of course," she scoffed. "He's Steve's best friend. He's practically a member of the family."

Steve felt his heart sink a little. She did not remember her feelings for Bucky yet; she only remembered him as a family friend.

Grace just smiled up at Bucky and giggled as she tucked a stray lock behind his ear. "Our mamas both would have had your hide letting your hair grow so, Buck," she said.

Bucky nodded, not trusting himself to speak. He felt his heart swell against his rib cage as he looked down into her bright happy eyes, then it flip-flopped at her touch. Instinctively, he knew a big piece of the young woman he once knew had returned. Hope blossomed in his heart, and he gathered her up in a fervent hug without thought.

"Welcome home, Babydoll," he whispered.

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