Chapter III

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A few weeks later...

Grace arrived home from the enlistment office late. The apartment was dark.

"Steve?" she turned to flick on the lamp by the door, but two strong arms encircled her waist. She screamed as the lights suddenly turned on. She was set back on her feet, and she spun around to find her assailant. A pair of gray eyes laughed down at her.

"Miss me, Babydoll?" There stood Bucky in his dress uniform, smirking at his success. Steve stood by the light switch, grinning.

"James Buchanan Barnes!" She scolded. "I oughta kick your tail down all three flights of stairs and out the front door!"

"It's Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes to you, Miss Nightingale," Bucky corrected. "and is that any way to treat a soldier on leave?"

"No, but it's an excellent way to treat you for scaring me!"

"Ouch," Bucky mock-winced. "Steve, you might wanna teach your little sister to pull her punches."

"Now why would I ever do that?" Steve grinned wider. "Hearing you two go at it like an old married couple is quite amusing."



"Boys..." Grace's voice took on a warning tone.

"Yes, ma'am," the men chorused, each rolling his eyes.

"Now, if dinner is going to be anytime soon, we'd better—"

"Actually, Steve and I decided we'd go out for dinner," Bucky said. "So go change out of all that white, Nurse Rogers." With a roll of her own eyes, she sent him a mock-salute, and went to change out of her uniform. Twenty minutes later, she came out in a navy blue skirt and a pale pink blouse, her hair re-pinned up.

"You look swell in pink, Gracie," Steve smiled.

"Thanks, Stevie," She winked at him, knowing he hated the nickname. "Everyone says I should wear blue."

"However, Steve's right," Bucky said. "As I recall, your gown for the school dance this last spring was light pink, and What's-his-name couldn't keep his eyes off you."

Grace shook her head. "That was the year before, and the staring only lasted until we got to the dance. Katherine McPhee showed up in emerald green."


"She has green eyes and red hair. Very red hair," Grace explained. "She really did look stunning that night."

"So did you, Grace." Bucky smiled softly.

"Not rea—"

"Excuse me! I drove you, Becca, and your fellas to the dance; I would know." Bucky said. "Now, if you are finished insulting my pal's sister, let's go eat. I'm starving."

At the diner, they found a booth in a quiet corner. Steve and Grace took one side, and Bucky sat across from them. They each ordered a hamburger and fries with a milkshake for afterward. Bucky kept the two Rogers in stitches as he regaled stories from bootcamp.

While they were waiting for their milkshakes, Grace excused herself to the ladies' room. When she came out, three loud, young soldiers were at the counter. One of them spotted her. "You look kinda young to be pinning your hair up, Dollface. Your mama know you took it out of the pig-tails?" he drawled with smirk

"How I do my hair is none of your business..." She glanced at his insignia. "Private. Please, excuse me." He was up in a flash, and took her by the arm.

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