Chapter XL

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Author's Note: Okay, so usually I do these last, but since this is kinda about chapter content, I figured I ought to put it first.
#1. Several people have been asking about where in Marvel timeline this story occurs. Well, the answer is that there is no set time-slot you could stick this into because this is basically AU. I wrote the first thirty or so chapters back about the time Winter Soldier came out. (Yeah, I've been working on this thing for that long.) About half of the MCU timeline hadn't been made yet.
#2. That being said, a lot of you seem to like the idea of adding Wanda, Pietro, and Peter into the mix. So, I will starting on that, and it might not quite fit in the MCU timeline, but, again this is AU, so I feel I can take a little "artistic liberty". ;)

A week later...

"Ugh........When will this rain ever let up?" Clint sighed, flopping onto the common room couch.

"It stops when it stops, Barton." Nat rolled her eyes at her partner.

"It's been down-pouring for four days!"

The elevator dinged open, and Grace came out. "Is everyone up here?" she asked. "I haven't seen the boys in a while."

"I think Cap, Wilson, and Barnes are in the game room, playing pool."

Grace nodded. "What about Mr. Stark and Dr. Banner?"

Clint shrugged. "Labs?"

"Well, I was going to start on lunch; anyone interested in potato soup?"

Clint perked up. "Yes!"

Nat rolled her eyes at him again. "That would be nice, Grace," she said.

"Okay, soup it is," Grace nodded with a smile and headed into the kitchen.

Forty-five minutes later, all of the Avengers gathered in the dining room around a huge tureen of potato soup and a large plate of salty ham biscuits.

"Well, I heard from the mayor this morning," Tony said as he sat down, on time this time. "Might have to postpone the kids' lunch,"

"Oh? Why?" Bruce asked.

"All of the venues on the mayor approval list have flooded out basements right now."

"And that's where the kitchens are." Nat finished.

"Yep. They can't really do anything to fix the problem until the rain stops."

"Do they know when it will take place then?" Steve asked.

Tony shook his head.

"Well, that will be disappointing for the kids."

Bucky glanced at Grace as she took her seat between him and Steve and noticed the distant expression. "I remember that look; whatcha thinking, Babydoll?"

"Tony, where was this lunch supposed to happen?" Grace asked slowly.

"Uh, City Hall, or somewhere like that, I think. Why?"

She bit her lip thoughtfully. "Well...I was thinking...This is for kids, right?"


"And, besides the rain, the weather has been really nice lately.......and it's usually really nice out right after rain, isn't it?"

"...I supposed so," Tony nodded, "Where are you going with this, Miss Wonderland?"

"Well, I imagine they were holding it in City Hall to impress you all. Cater a fancy lunch and all that," Grace answered. "But this should really be about the kids, right? Kids don't care about fancy meals and speeches and all that."

Steve grinned. "I think I know where you're going. You're going to suggest a picnic, aren't you?"

Grace grinned guiltily. "It's just, the ground and trees will probably dry out faster than the buildings. And kids don't care about the surroundings that much; they just want time with their heroes. A picnic would be more casual and less official."

"It's a good idea, but that can get complicated very easily," Pepper piped up. "Tents, moving catering outside, tables, chairs--"

Grace shook her head. "But that's not the point of a picnic."

Nat cocked her head, her curiosity piqued. "That how most government people hold a "picnic" these days; how would you do it?"

"Well," Grace took a deep breath. All the attention was now on her, and she was not used to it. " Um....the point of a picnic is to enjoy the outdoors. So, maybe have everyone bring their own blankets, sheets or beach towels. And the food should be simple; sandwiches, maybe chips, whatever fruit is in season... Um, I think strawberries are in right now.....and maybe....maybe those I remember making for special occasions...Water and lemonade to drink...." she continued. "Ooo, and maybe have people bring their favorite lawn game."

"Lawn games?" Wilson raised his eyebrow. "Hon, kids don't play lawn games anymore."

Grace grew confused. "What do they play in the summer then?"

"Sadly, they stay inside where there's air conditioning and play video games," Clint answered.

"But how do they interact with each other then?"

"The Internet," Tony answered loftily.

"The what?"

"Tony," Pepper admonished. Then she turned, smiling to Grace. "This sounds like a wonderful idea, Grace. After lunch, I help you put together a proposal to send to the mayor."

"Proposal?" Grace gulped. "For the mayor of New York?"

"Of course," Pepper replied. "An idea this good needs a proper presentation. Don't worry," Pepper soothed. "We'll sell this so well he won't be able to say no."

"Um, okay..." Grace answered.

"Pardon me, sir," JARVIS suddenly spoke up. "But Mr. and Miss Maxioff are down in the lobby. Shall I bring them up."

"Yes!" Tony answered. "I forgot the twins were coming this week."

"Twins?" Grace asked. "What twins?"

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