Chapter XLVI

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Bucky sat on the common room sofa, and Steve sat in a chair across the coffee from him, a chessboard between them on the table. Clint lounged at the sofa's other end perusing an archery magazine. As Bucky contemplated his next move, Steve's phone rang.

"Hello, Steve Rogers." His face immediately scrunched in concern. "Slow down, Pepper. What happened?......... Is she okay?" Bucky's eyes instantly flicked up to Steve. Clint lowered his magazine to zero in on the conversation.

"Did something happen to Grace?" Bucky quietly asked.

Just then, Pietro zipped into the room, stopping by Clint. "Hey, old man, where do you people-"

"Shhh!" Without looking, Clint covered the speeder's mouth. "Something's up with Grace and Pepper."

Pietro fought off Clint's hand. "Kokhana?"

"Don't call her that," Bucky hissed.

"Says the man who calls her 'Barbie doll'," Pietro quipped back, making air quotes with his fingers.

"It's Babydoll, kid; it was a fairly common nickname in our day," Bucky groused.

"Shh!" Clint hushed them, covering both of their mouths

"Okay, we'll be waiting." Steve hung up the phone.

"What wrong with Grace?" Bucky immediately asked.

"Did the mayor do something to scare her?" Clint asked.

"No, apparently the appointment with the mayor when well, but some man she saw as they left really spooked her," Steve replied, his frown deepening. "Pepper said that Grace bolted the moment the car show up to get them, and hasn't said an intelligible word since they left. Only mumbling in German."

Bucky sighed heavily. "Most likely, the person reminded her someone she knew in HYDRA." He scrubbed his face with his metal hand. "This will probably be a setback in her recovery, Stevie."

"I know, Buck, I know."


Kokhana: Sweetheart in Ukrainian

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