Chapter XLIV

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As soon as Pepper and Grace stepped into the lobby, Happy opened the front and ushered them into the black corporate-looking car waiting at the curb. Less than five minutes after they left, Happy directed a call from the Tower over the car's speaker.

"Incoming call from Captain Rogers and Sergeant Barnes."

"Thank you, JARVIS. On speakerphone, please," Pepper answered.

"Hey, Grace. Sorry we couldn't make it down in time to see you off."

"It's okay, Steve," Grace replied.

"How ya doing, Babydoll? Nervous?"

"A bit," she admitted with a breathy sigh.

"Just be you, and you'll do fine, Grace," Steve said.

"You can be quite bossy, you know," Bucky added. "Use that, and you'll be good."


"Good luck, Sis."

"Thanks," she answered. "I'll see you boys when we get back."

"See you then."

"Knock it outta the park, Babydoll."

"I'll try, Sarge. Bye."


Finally, Happy pulled up in front of the government building that housed the mayor's office.

Pepper turned to Grace as the petite blonde gazed up at the building through the window. "You ready?"

Grace gave a shaky sigh. "As I'll ever be."

"Well, thank so much, Miss Rogers, Miss Potts. We will definitely take your splendid proposal into consideration."

"Thank you for your time, Mister Mayor," Pepper replied as she and Grace shook his hand.

The minute the door to the office closed behind them, it tool all of Grace's self-control to not slump against the hallway wall.

"Grace, you were so good," Pepper grinned. "Perfect poise under pressure. When that aide started firing questions at you..."

"I just said the first thing that came to mind."

"While from a professional business standpoint, it wasn't the best," Pepper conceded, hooking her arm through Grace's. "but the look on her face was priceless."

"It was pretty funny," Grace admitted with a soft giggle as they walked toward the elevator.

On the ground floor, they found Happy waiting patiently for them in the waiting room.

"So how did it go, Miss Potts?"

"Quite well, I think," Pepper answered.

"I just bring the car around."

"We'll be the lobby."

As the ladies waited near the doors for Happy and the car, Pepper sensed Grace suddenly freeze beside her. She turned to the younger woman immediately. "Grace, are you okay?"

Grace did not respond immediately. She was stock still, staring across the room, looking like she was seeing a ghost.

"What is it, sweetie?"


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