Chapter LXVIII

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"Good; It's your turn to dance with me!"

Bucky's eyes widened at her declaration. "..Not sure that's a good idea..........might not remember........been so long...."

"So? Have you seen Mr. Stark out there? And Robinson from Accounting?" Grace shook her head. "Besides, Bucky Barnes, not being able to dance? As if." She dismissed his worries with a wave of her hand.

Bucky smiled at her use of the more modern vernacular.

"Come on, please, Sarge?" she pleaded.

Bucky sighed, knowing he had already lost ".........Alright.......But if some kind of humiliating pictures or film on the internet tomorrow, I am completely blaming you."

"Okay," Grace grinned triumphantly, grabbing his hand and heading for the dance floor just as a new song came on.

"Whoa, Babydoll!" he chuckled at her excitement. "What dance is this?" he asked.

"Not sure," she shrugged.

He gently took her hand, and, for a few moments, they just swayed to the music, soon becoming lost in the melody. Then, as one, they whirled in a traditional quickstep.

Unknown to their gathering audience, each was caught up in their own memories.

Grace was a twelve-year-old girl in dance practice with her and her brother's best friend once more.

Bucky, however, was in HYDRA training.

Their instructor stood to one side, a small table holding a record player at his side. All morning the Winter Soldier and his Shadow had been drilling various dance forms as part of their trust-building exercises. They were good partners; rarely having missteps, something that surprised their superiors. It was almost as if they had danced together before...............

The way this girl fit in his arms. The way she seemed to be able to anticipate his moves, even when improvised, and his ability to sense her next move too. It was uncanny.........

Then there was her eyes. The Soldier was sure he had seen her - met her - somewhere before. Dare he believe... he knew her? His chest ached with a memory he could not bring to mind. It - she - was important. Precious to him.............

They finished the dance, their instructor giving them a rare nod of approval.

Unbidden a wide grin bloom on his face, and he wrapped his arm around his little partner-in-training, sweeping her feet clear off the ground as he spun her around. "We did it, Babydoll!" The strange words leapt from his mouth, suddenly bringing with them an onslaught of buried memories of the young woman before him. He stumbled as he quickly set his girl down on her feet again.........

"Grace, run! Get out of here........"

"Sarge! Are you alright?" Grace asked as her concern-stricken face swam back into Bucky's vision.

"Y-Yeah......." he stumbled to the nearest chair, Grace trailing after him.

"What is it, Buck?" she pressed, laying a hand on his shoulder.

"HYDRA........taught us that dance...." he muttered, leaning forward with his face buried in his hands and his elbow resting on his knees.

"So did your mother."

"She did?"

Grace nodded. "Just in time for my 14th birthday.....................but I don't remember why I needed to know it by then..." she replied, biting her lip and plopping down in the chair beside his. "...........We're a pretty mess up pair, aren't we.............." she added softly.

Bucky's heart clenched painfully in his chest at her words. "Oh, Babydoll..." He reached out and took her hand in his, gently squeezing. "We'll figure it out. I promise. I--We remembered before; we can do it again."

"We did?"

"I know I did," Bucky nodded. "Surely you did too."

"I don't remember."

"Someday you will, Grace. We both will."

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