Chapter XXXVI

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Sound was the first thing to begin filtering in as Grace gradually regained her senses; a hubbub of male voices surrounded her.

".....Breathing and pulse normal..."

".....I'd better get Cap....."

"...........What happened?..........."

Her sense of touch came back as she realized she was lying on something firm but soft. Slowly, her heavy eyes fluttered open to bright light.

Suddenly, she remembered. Steve! Her brother! She had to know if he was okay! The last time she had seen him was......was......she could not remember when.

"Steve.....Stevie," she mumbled, trying to make sense of all the sleek white and glass furnishings around her. She realized she was lying on a sofa and tried to sit up, only to be pushed back down. "Steve....need to see my brother...."

"Clint is getting him, Grace."

She turned to the shaggy, brown hair man kneeling beside her. "Doctor....Banner?"

"Yeah, I'm here."

"Grace?" a familiar voice rang from the doorway. Grace immediately sat up, taking in the tall, muscular man standing there. His body was different, but his voice and face was same.

"Steve!" she cried in joy. She jumped to her feet, but did it too quickly and nearly lost her balance. Steve was at her side in a moment, catching her before she fell.

"Grace? Are you okay? " he asked, brows knitting in concern. "What's going on?"

Her hands cupped his face as she gazed up at him, having to tip her head back to do for first time in her memory. "Oh, Steve....." She smiled up at him through teary eyes.

Steve met her gaze and he just knew. She remembered. He enveloped her a huge hug, lifting her completely off the ground. "I've missed you so much, Gracie," he choked out, relishing the feeling of holding his little sister close once.

"I missed you to, Stevie," she shakily answered, gently pushing away. "Oh, let me see you!"

Steve gently set her down.

"You're so tall now!" she gushed happily. "What happened?

"Well, there was this scientist in the Army's Strategic Science Reserve-"

Suddenly, it all came rushing back to Grace. "The serum," she said. "They gave you a serum."

Steve nodded.

"And they made you a captain."

"Yeah," Steve sheepishly grinned.

"And you never thought to write to me about this?" Grace demanded, crossing her arms over her chest. "This is the biggest thing to happen in our family's history, and I'm left completely in the dark about it."

Clint took a seat across for the sofa to watch the scene unfold. "This should be great," he whispered.

"They made me swear not to!" Steve defended. "We were afraid of letters falling into enemy hands."

Grace raised an eyebrow and pretended to think it over. "It's not a great reason....but it'll do, I guess," she sighed, still acting like she was upset.

"I'm sorry, Grace. I really wanted to tell you," Steve pleaded. "I was afraid HYDRA would target you if they found out you were related to me."

Grace did say anything, making Steve squirm.

"Aw, shucks, Grace, come on!"

A smile slowly spread across her face. Bouncing up onto her tip-toes, she threw her arms around his neck as best she could. Steve slipped his arms around her tiny waist once more, as she kissed his cheek. "We came home to each other; that's what matters."

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