Chapter L

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All of the male Avengers were waiting anxiously in Steve's living room for any indication of what was happening.

"JARVIS," Tony finally turned to his trusty A.I. "Status report on the Miss Capsicle situation."

There was a pause.


"Sir, I believe Miss Rogers barricaded herself in the bedroom so that no one would see or know her in this condition."

"But Pepper, Red, and Wanda are in there," Tony argued.

"Miss Rogers trusts Miss Potts and Miss Romanoff, and, based on her behavior patterns, I believe Miss Rogers would trust Miss Maxioff as well. In addition, Miss Maxioff is attempting to aid Miss Rogers in her mental episode."

"Grace trusts us guys," Tony answered.

"And we want to help too," Sam added.

"I am sorry, Sir, but considering that a man was the one who triggered this episode in Miss Rogers, I believe allowing you any access before Miss has indicated she is ready would be derogatory to her condition."

Tony cocked his head. "JARVIS........Are you....Are you refusing to obey me and tell us what is going on in there?"

"I am protecting Miss Rogers privacy and dignity."


"I suppose....that I am, Sir."

Tony turned to Steve. "What has your little sister done to my A.I.?"

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