Chapter LIX

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Bucky groaned and rolled over, looking at the clock. It was after 2:30 a.m., and he still hadn't gotten to sleep. Although, knowing his "normal" dreams these days, probably wasn't that bad of a thing......except he had not really slept in three nights now, and it was beginning to show.

With a sigh, he rolled out of bed and silently padded into the kitchen, only to fit that the light in there was already on. He carefully peeked around the door and found Grace sitting at the table, her feet up in the seat, and nursing a mug of what smelled like hot chocolate.

"Babydoll? You okay?" He asked softly, knowing she would still hear him.

She glanced up at him as he leaned on the doorframe. "Nightmares."

She only said one word, but that one word was all it took for Bucky to understand. "HYDRA?"


He nodded. Looking over at the stove, he saw a saucepan still on the burner. "You made hot chocolate-"

"-Just like Mama taught me. Milk, sugar, cocoa powder and all."

"Got any left?"

She shook her head. "I can make more." She unfolded herself from the chair and walked over to the stove, Bucky joining her after a moment. He passed her each ingredient when she needed it, and a few minutes later, she ladled the thick creamy cocoa into a mug for him and refilled her own. They sat down at the table, Bucky leaning forward with his arms resting on the table, Grace with her knees drawn up to her chin.

For a time (it could have been minutes or hours, they could not tell), they just sat sipping their hot chocolate and enjoying each other's presence. When they finished off the hot chocolate, he took their mugs and put them in the sink.

"Come on, Babydoll, we should get you back to bed."

She wordlessly took his hand and let him lead her back to her bedroom. From the living room, they could hear Steve softy snoring.

"S-Stay with me?" Grace hesitantly asked, looking up at Bucky with large blue eyes.

Dang, those big baby blues got him every single time. "Okay, Babydoll," he sighed. "Just for a little while." She nodded with a small smile and opened the door. "Hopefully your brother doesn't kill me if he finds out..." Bucky added under his breath.

The next morning, when Steve woke up and there were no sounds or smells from the kitchen, he knew something was off. He tip-toed to Grace's room and quietly opened the door. The sight that he found there surprised him.

There was Bucky was on his back on the bed (on top of the covers, Steve noted) and Grace was snuggled under the blankets with her head on his chest. Her hand was loosely fisted in Bucky's shirt right over his heart. His flesh arm was wrapped around her shoulders, holding her firmly close. Both were fast asleep, their breathing deep and even. They look more at peace than Steve had ever seen them.

He silently closed the door with a grin. "JARVIS," he whispered. " Please take a picture and save it please."

"Done, Captain Rogers............ Miss Rogers seems to sleep much better with Sargent Barnes in the room." the AI commented softly.

"So does he," Steve answered.

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