Chapter IV

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July 4, 1942.

"Where's Steve?" Bucky asked. He stood the kitchen of the Rogers' apartment helping Grace with a surprise for Steve's birthday.

"He's supposed to be getting groceries, but I suspect he's gone to another recruitment office."


"Well, the one here wouldn't take him," She answered absently and she carefully pulled a small cake from the oven. Bucky watched her expert hands flip the cake pan and neatly transfer the cake onto a white cake plate. Then, she covered the top of the vanilla cake with sliced strawberries, not having enough sugar rations to make icing. "You think he'll like it?" she asked, stepping back to survey her handiwork.

Bucky could not help but grin; Grace was putting a lot of effort into this birthday for Steve. It would be the last celebration they would have before she left next month. He glanced across the room. Red, white, and blue ribbon scraps from Grace's dressmakers were tied to the curtain rod of little window by the table. A white cloth covered the little table, small package wrapped in brown paper and tied in blue ribbon sat off to the side, leaving most of the table empty and waiting for the cake to its place of prominence.

"Looks spiffy*, Babydoll. I think he'll love it," Bucky said. "but he'll turn as red as the strawberries when he find you've gone through all this trouble."

"Some streamers and a cake, trouble? Seriously, Buck, I didn't even ice the cake," Grace waved his comment off as she placed the cake in its proper place

"I know, but he never likes much attention."

"Well, I like to do for my boys, so he'll just get over it," Grace answered.

Suddenly, the apartment door opened. "Get over what?" Steve called. He entered the kitchen, to find it decked out with streamers. "What's all this? I told you to not go into any trouble for my birthday, Grace." He sent his sister a scolding look.

"Hey, it's not just your birthday today, Punk," Bucky teased. "Happy Independence Day."

"Happy Independence Day, Bucky," Steve answered, setting the grocery bags in arms on the counter. "but I'm not dumb. I know my sister. This is about my birthday."

Bucky turned to a guiltily smiling Grace with a shrug. "Sorry, Babydoll, I tried."

"Happy birthday, Stevie," Grace giggled and hugged her brother tightly. He tried to scowl at her, but failed. Her smile and giggles were infectious and nearly impossible to resist, in Steve's opinion.

"It's a good thing I love you, Gracie," He answered good-naturedly, hugging her back. "I thought you'd be at the enlistment office after work."

"I took today off," Grace shrugged.

"You shouldn't have," Steve shook his head. "Don't they need you?"

"There are at least ten nurses there; they'll live one evening without me." Grace answered. "Your birthday is more important to me than dealing with dozens of recruits, some of which skipped out on manners class."

"Grace, has someone messed with you?" Bucky immediately asked, concerned.

"It was nothing I couldn't handle," Grace firmly replied. "It's nothing to worry about." She handed Steve a knife. "Now, cut your cake, birthday boy, before it gets any colder."

He took the knife from her and pecked a kiss to her cheek. "Yes ma'am."

She turned to Bucky, "You sit down, and I'll get plates."

"I swear, Steve, this nursing thing has made a bossy little dame of our Grace ," Bucky commented as he complied.

"Oh no, she's always been bossy with me," Steve answered.

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