chapter 00: *Bonus chapter*

Start from the beginning

I hummed incessantly to myself. That was what normal humans were supposed to do, according to the stereotypical analysation of women explained by none other than Kirishima. We'll get to that story in a different segment, but for now....

Rushing traffic rang in the air. The smell of oil and gasoline lingered; causing my nostrils to twitch. When my eyes caught sight of Mirio pushing what appeared to be a child on the swingset, I bulletted up to him in exitement; waving my arms erratically.

"Mirio!!!" I'd shout; giving a bright cheerful smile. He whirls around at the sound of his name being shouted frantically, and he returns the gesture.

"(L-L/n)--!! Sensei never said anything about you being here today..." I was suprised to here midoriya's voice as-well, but I was excited nonetheless. The more friends, the merrier.

"Izuku-!! Haha, didn't think you were gonna be here either. Dad's gonna be busy for the day, so I guess it's just us three!" I scoop the little cinimon roll into a bonecrushing hug; his face burns crimson red, squished against my chest.

"I-I-I U-Uh Y-You too (L-L/n)--!!" He sputtered; his eyes swirling vigorously.

With that I whirled around, crouching down to meet a pair of ruby red orbs shimmering with anticipation.

"How you holdin up tiny human? Are these dorks boring you?"

"Hey-!!" They both exclaimed after five minutes of standing there, evidently dumb-founded.

A light tint of pink dusted her cheeks; and she purses her lips.
"Um. I'm fine...(L/n).." She fiddles with her fingers anxiously.

"Pffft--!! You and I've been through the rough. We're like family tiny can call me tia!" She gaped at me, before nodding profusely. "Oh..okay..tia.."
I couldn't help but gush. She was just the cutest little thing.

"This park is lame." I stuck my tongue out at Mirio who shrugs.
"I've got the perfect solution--!!" I cartwheel backwards. At this the boys immidiately duck out of the way, in an effort to steer clear of what was about to happen.Yet again I shapeshifted mid-air. This time though it wasn't exactly as graceful seeing as I fell back on my butt; damn near crushing the life out of poor midoriya.

I stood up shaking my fur.

Suprisingly Mirio is the one trying to poop on the party this time.
"(L/n)- Eri's sensitive. Try not to--"
I lick his face; and his hair sticks up causing Eri to throw her hands over her mouth; stifling giggles.

I sniff her hair, to which she giggled. "Tia--!! That tickles!!" She squealed. She wraps her arms around my snout; and I help her off the swing, and onto her feet.

I lay down, motioning for her to climb onto my back. To which she suprisingly Obliges. "(L/n) are you sure this is a good idea?" Midoriya presses. I move my gaze over to Mirio. 'Tell him I said he's lame.'

'I'm taking the kid for a joy-ride. Any objections?'

I scan the boys up and down knowing full and well the cinnamon roll had no clue what I was saying while Mirio just smiled, sighing in defeat.

"Fine, just don't go dragging her into--" "WHOO HOO!!!" I interjected bolting off, Eri chortling in excitement. I didn't go as fast as I'd usually go. Tiny humans were sensitive to motion-sickness. Don't ask why I read up on this junk. Turns out learning to read was actually the best thing that's ever happened to me.

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