The Lighter to My Candle

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Chapter nineteen: The Lighter to My Candle

Cami's P.O.V.

After Brooke beat me at Boogie Superstar, I decided to take Alexis and Harry upstairs with me. That's when it started. I took the lead back up the stairs and into the victorian style home. We knew there had to be more rooms so Harry suggested we explore a bit. The steps creaked under us and we reached the bottom, looking to the windows surrounding the front double doors. To the right was an archway leading into a bigger room. The moonlight was enough for us to tell it was a dining room. Alexis and I made Harry go first. When it comes to unfamiliar, creepy rooms, don't ask us to go first. With a shrug from Harry he stepped into the room.

"Do any of you girls see a light switch in here?" He tucked his hands in his pockets and craned his head to the right. I moved behind him and waited for my eyes to adjust to the dim lighting. Nothing from what I could tell. A long table stood before us with wicker chairs lining the table. The left of the room were cabinets and some old style counters. A glass chandelier hung above the room with a gold chain. Those things made me nervous. I was always afraid they would fall from the weight. Next to me Alexis shuffled.

"No, Brooke and I could only find electricity down stairs."

"Sh*t. Okay. Let's look for some candles." Harry said and walked into the table. It squeaked and he cursed some more. Alexis and I had to hold our breaths to keep from giggling. He brushed himself off then turned to us. "You two look in the cabinets, I'll look over in this room." Harry pointed to a mini supply closet to the right. I looked to Alexis but she was already looking for a candle. I trudged over next to her and helped her look. Everything was mostly empty. I angled over to a lower cabinet and placed my hand on the curved handle. The paint was white and chipped and needed a good dusting. It was hard to open and shrieked as I pulled it harder. It finally gave way and I barreled backward.

"Uh, that was difficult." I said under my breath. I crawled forward and peered inside then cringed. It was full of thick, dry, cotton like, spider webs. I hate spiders. I shut it with a bang and turned back to Alexis. She was gone. I hesitated to stand up so I sat criss crossed. "Alexis?" I said out loud. No reply. "Alexis?" I shouted even louder. This time I stood up. I flinched and my heart quicken as Harry appeared behind me.

"Is Alexis gone?" He asked quite panicked. I faced him and put my hands on my hips. I didn't want to worry him or myself.

"I'm sure she just went to look somewhere else." I assured him. He stepped around me, placing his hand on the counter top.

"Alexis!" He called walking down the hallway passed the kitchen. Why hadn't I noticed that before? "Alexis, love, please answer me." He quickened his pace and I was reluctant to follow. I didn't want to go down there, but I didn't want to be left alone. Harry's curly hair bounced moonlight off of it as I followed him further down the long hallways. This was like the haunted house all over again. I bent my knees as Harry stopped, as if a sudden thought occurred to him.

"Harry what is it?" I asked peering out from behind his shoulder. He turned his head to me and placed his pointer finger to his lips,

"Shh." I nodded as he waved his hand for me to follow him. The hall veered to the right and a light gleamed from it. How? Harry cautiously took a step around the corner and stopped. I didn't want to look, but something pulled me past the wall. I heard a faint panting sound as if someone just ran five miles full speed. Harry reached behind him and grabbed my arms.

"Oh my God..." I whispered. In front of us was Alexis, standing straight up, looking spooked.

"Alexis, are you alright?" Harry asked calmly, walking to her, pulling me along. She subtly shook her head.

"Harry I think someone is out there." She pointed to the dark window at the very end of the hallway. No moonlight was shining threw it, yet the room was light still. A purply light to be exact. Once we were in an inch range of her, Harry let go of me and hugged Alexis.

"Let's just go back and-"

"No Harry!" Alexis shouted, ripping away from him. "Someone is out there! We can't just not do anything!"

"Alexis, why are you even back here?" I tried getting my mind off of what she was saying. I don't know about you, but this scenario reminded me of a perfect scene for the movie "Scream 5." Harry looked hurt and moved back next to me. Alexis rubbed her temples.

"I heard someone calling my name."

Harry interrupted her. "Why would you do that? You don't know who it could have been!" He started getting wrapped up in his emotions.

"Let me finish! Anyway, I heard someone calling my name and it sounded like you!" She pointed straight at Harry. "So I came back here and you weren't here." Harry opened his mouth, then looked back at the ground, letting Alexis finish. "Then I heard something scratching at the windows. I thought it was a branch, but there are no trees by this window." I tuned out after that. I believed in ghosts. I use to see them when I was little. Those memories would never leave me, implanted in my brain forever. I looked up to the window and stopped.

"You guys!" I said, interrupting Alexis.

"What?" They both snapped at me. I began to shake and pointed my finger to the window. "Look."

Alexis's P.O.V.

I don't know why they weren't believing me. I wasn't lying. Harry had called my name so I came strolling back here, and now he denies it? But why was I starting to doubt myself? I was on a roll with my story when Cami broke my speech.

"You guys?" She sounded scared.

"What?" Harry and I both snapped at her, annoyed she was getting in the way with our argument. She began to quake and pointed to the window.

"Look." I turned my head to the window and held back a scream.

Harry's P.O.V.

We turned towards the window at the same time. I didn't see it at first, but then I did. A figure stood in the window. It's eyes burned a deep red and a neon purple. It intrigued me, my legs walked to it and my mind stayed back.

"Harry stop!" Alexis pleaded, reaching for my arm. I didn't break eye contact with the shadow but shooed Alexis. She stamped her foot on the ground. I creeped in closer. It's luring me in. I wanted to find out more. It's eyes played with my senses. It couldn't be that bad, could it? I was an inch from the window now and the thing hadn't disappeared.

"Harry please come back." Cami's voice wavered.

"I'll be fine." The next thing I know I was on the ground with glass surrounding me, a shrill scream ringing in my ears. Every time I try to remember what happened only one image came into my head. A big pointy toothed grin smiling at me from outside.

Cami's P.O.V.

"Harry please come back!" I begged knowing nothing good was going to come of this. He turned to me.

"I'll be fine." He said and turned back to the window. Then, he just froze, and his reflection in the window was a big eyed expression. The shadow smiled evilly and vanished. It reappeared farther away then came racing at us. I only had time to look at Alexis before the window shattered open and the shadow passed threw Harry. Alexis screamed and collapsed to the floor. Glass shards flew out everywhere and decorated the floor. Harry laid, surrounded in glass, completely unconscious. I was shaking badly and rolled down the wall, to a seat on the floor. Alexis was crying and yelled out for Harry. I turned to him and I saw his head bend up at an awkward angle. His eye flashed purple and he looked straight at me.

"I want you gone." A raspy voice came out of him, and then the shadow came out of him like black smoke evaporating into the air. Harry dropped to the floor again with a sickening thud. Soon, we heard a moan and Harry sat up, rubbing his head.

"What the h*ll just happened?" He said. Alexis rushed over to him and hugged him, completely unaware of what he had just said to me. I choked out a sob as I heard the others rush up stairs. All I knew was that the shadow wanted me gone.

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