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Chapter two: Complications

Riley's P.O.V.

I opened the door and hoped I could sneak past my parents room without them hearing me. I was way late getting back so I guess I wasn't shocked to see them right in the door frame.

"Where the h*ll have you been?" My mom yelled at me. "I was worried sick about you!"

I shrugged my shoulders. "I was with Liam..." My mom put her hand on her forhead. "Just Liam?" I knew my mom hated when I hung out with him alone.

"Well yeah but not the whole time. Alexis and Harry were with us until half an hour before I left."

"And when was that?" My mom said even louder. I put my hands over my face and rubbed them up and down.

"Liam took me home at 10:45."

My mom scoffed. "And when were you supposed to be home at Riley?"

I gave an annoyed sigh. "11:00." My mom just kept pilling on the questions.

"How far away were you?"

I replied, "Liam lives 15 minutes away. Anything else?"

She gave me a stern look.

"Actually yes there is. If you left at 10:45 and it takes 15 minutes to get here, then what were you doing for the past 20 minutes?" I started to clench my fists together. I wasn't outside with Liam for 20 minutes. I was maybe out there for 5. Looking at the clock I gasped. It was 11:23. My cheeks got hot remebering our little cuddle scene in his car. Oh yeah, that was definetly what took the most time. My mom was still waiting for a reply.

"We sat outside in his car and talked for a bit then he invited me to go to a haunted house with him and the guys."

She looked at me with unconvinced eyes. "Uh..huh..." She said eyeing me. "You are definetly not going. Now go up to your room I don't want to hear another word."

I scoffed. No way. She can not do this. "Mom Alexis and all of them are coming too!" I pleaded. She glared at me then pointed up towards my room. "Not another word. I don't trust those, boys, at all!" She spat in my face. What? Why didn't she trust them? They are all super trustworthy, (especially Liam) I added to myself.

"Why?" I asked my mom. "Why don't you trust them?" I couldn't help but squeeze my hands so tight that the nails made indents on my skin.

"First off," My mom said pointing her finger to make emphises. "Liam is 2 years older then you. Louis is almost 4 years older which is even worse if I say so myself. These boys, they're reckless! They are famous, and so uncontrollable!" She said getting angrier. I wasn't quite sure why, but I was on the verge of real tears.

"You don't even know them!" I shouted this time, "You know absolutley nothing about them!"

"I know enough!" She said. "They are just like any other boy band!"

I didn't look at her, for the tears began falling from my eyes. "How about you get a clue mom, because in case you haven't noticed, those boys are five of my very best friends." I snapped at her and walked up the stairs to my room. I could hear her yelling but I honestly did not care at this point. When I reached my room I plopped down on my bed and hid my face in my very unstuffed pillow. When I couldn't hold my breathe much longer I lifted my head up only to reveal a giant wet spot where my face had been. Great. That's just disgusting. I walked over to my dresser and grabbed my phone that I had left here on accident. On my way to grab it I caught a glimpse of myself in mirror. This image didn't please me too much either. My long dirty blonde hair was all over the place and my cheeks were red and splotchy.

Left For Dead:	A One Direction HorrorWhere stories live. Discover now