Rolling in the Shallow

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Chapter twenty-four: Rolling in the Shallow

Riley's P.O.V.

I swear we looked everywhere... well, everywhere on the main level. We looked in the kitchen, in the hallways, in the closets, in the random creepy rooms. No sight of Cami. I don't know anymore. I'm tired, I'm just done. This whole night started off horrible, and now it's going to end horrific, I can feel it. I have a nagging suspicion that I'm totally missing something. I couldn't shrug it off my shoulders, not one bit. We all should have just left after the window was busted. That should have been our queue to leave, but no. We had to spend the night because we were too macho to man up and say, "I'm scared, let's get the heck outta here!" We were in the light purple room with the white furniture. Niall sat criss crossed on the ground, and Emma was flipping through a dusty book.

"Hey guys, maybe we should just check downstairs." I said with my hands in my pockets. Emma looked up from the book and placed it on a little white rocking chair at the corner of the room. Niall stood up and wiped his forehead with his forearm.

"Yeah, and if she's not down there, then we can look upstairs." Niall sounded exhausted. I don't blame him. Two of his mates were antagonized my some psychopath ghost thing, and now Cami is gone. Emma heaved a great sigh and looked at us.

"Yeah, yeah, let's just go." We started to walk out and up the stairs to the hallway that led into the basement when she stopped. "As soon as we find her and we get Zayn out of that closet, I'm leaving." She stated and held onto the railing firmly.

"Diddo." I said under my breath. I can't take this anymore. Too much for one night, too much for one life time. I turned the detailed lion head knob and the wood panel slid open to reveal the basement steps. Normally I would find this extremely awesome and terrific, like, the coolest thing ever, but I was jumpy and tired of secrets and hidden objects. We trifled down the steps and I noticed Alexis looking grumpy on the couch.

"Where's Louis and Brooke?" Emma said. I could hear the hope in her voice, 'please don't be missing, please don't be missing!' and I was feeling the exact same way.

"Oh, probably somewhere kissing." She said gruffly and looked away from us. She looked compressed in her crouched position. I didn't want to deal with this.

"So they are where exactly?" Emma said, her voice on edge. Alexis nodded her head to over by the back rooms.

"Arigoto." I said under my breath, thinking about Brooke and her liking of Japanese things. We didn't have to venture too far back, because Brooke came running at us.

"Brooke!" Emma said with relief.

"No, stop being happy!" Brooke sounded panicked. Oh God no, what's going on? Brooke seemed okay, but then she started to hyper ventilate.

"Brooke, Brooke, Brooke, calm down and explain." I said placing my hands on her shoulder. She shook her head and scrunched her eyes together.

"No, no, I-I can't!" She said and covered her eyes with her hands. At this point in time, Alexis came over, alarmed.

"What happened? Brooke, you better not be joking!" Alexis tried to sound like stone, but I could hear the worry in her voice. Brooke kept shaking her head back and forth. Tears came from her eyes at a fast pace, and left streaks down her face. "Brooke answer me right now!" Alexis said agitated and panicked. Brooke was having trouble breathing and I was telling her to breath in and out slowly. That's when we heard a bubble like sound, like when a water bottle is half empty and the water hits the sides. Niall perked up his head.

"Sh*t guys, listen!" Niall said, making us all stop. Brooke sat herself on the floor and was trying to stop making sobbing noises. We heard it again. Niall, Emma and I all looked at each other then nodded. It came from the cement room. The three of us sprinted into the room. The door was wide open and Niall flew in first, then me. Emma was trailing behind because she was trying to get Brooke up. Niall and I stopped at the same time as we saw the blood. We didn't have to second guess it, Niall and I both knew blood wouldn't be rare tonight. Then, Emma came crashing into us, which made her fall, trip me, and then trip Niall. Niall hit the ground with his elbow with a loud clunk. I winced. Then Niall started to hyperventilate.

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