Figure it Out

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Chapter sixteen: Figure it Out

Riley's P.O.V.

We all got settled in the basement. After the excitment of seeing Alexis and Brooke we all calmed down.

"So where are your bags?" Alexis asked us all, scrunching her eyebrows together. Liam slapped his forehead.

"Duh, I'm such an idiot! I left them in the car!" He mumbled quite annoyed with himself. "I'll go get them..." He turned around and headed for the door.

"Don't go alone!" I shouted to him as he disappeared from view. I heard him tromp back down the steps, his arms hanging loosly.

"Okay, well, who wants to come?" His head peered from the doorway. I raised my hand and Alexis came over to me and lowered it, raising her eyebrows. She squeezed her lips together then popped them, mouthing the word "no." Okay then.

"I think all the boys should go with." Alexis strongley suggested. The boys looked around and knew there was no way with arguing with her. She smirked evilly.

"Good! Now it's just us girlies!" She shouted, jumping on the edge of the couch. I was very confused. I eyed Cami and she shrugged. Emma and Brooke sat around Alexis. Cami leaned on the arm rest and I stood infront of them.

"Okay Alexis, what's going on?" I asked her.

"Well..." She started and was still smirking at me. "How's Liam?" Alexis always tried getting me a boyfriend. She seriously thought I could get anyone I wanted, but it was so untrue. I groaned.

"Fine!" I gasped and twirled around with my head back, falling on an empty space of the couch. Emma raised her finger and ducked her head.

"Just saying, but all the boys think you and Liam would make a great couple..."

"Emma!" Cami screamed at the same time I shot up. She covered her eyes and laughed. I grabbed a pillow off the couch. It was small, square, and purple. I tossed it at her head.

"What? It's true!" She squeeled and threw it back at me. I caught it with one hand and felt like a boss.

Harry's P.O.V.

I still had a slight limp, but I was able to walk alone. I knew Lexi was up to something when she ordered all the guys out of the house. Everyone knows not to double cross her, so here we were, starring at Liam's car.

"In the trunk right?" Zayn spoke, inspecting the car like an unwanted bug. Liam stood with his hands on his hips, sucking on his tongue.

"Yup." We began to work our way to the trunk. The loose pebbles would crack under my feet, and the more dense ones would shoot out sideways. I was just glad only the front part of the car was damaged. Niall opened the trunk and kept his hands on it in the air. Louis and Liam grabbed the bags and I stood there holding nothing.

"Uh, need any help?" I asked, stepping closer to them. Liam said no, while Louis said yes and threw two bags at me. A Vera Bradly bag, and a black backpack with purple, green, and blue, giant dots. I almost missed both of them, but caught it by sheer awesomeness. Niall closed the trunk, and the air escaped from the tube with a low pitched squeak. I put the backpack on and carried the other bag like a purse. Louis came up from behind me and strutted past. I decided to out model him and bend my arm, tightly gripping the purse. Zayn laughed and Liam joined in with Niall. He grabbed Niall's waist and Niall put his hand on Liam's shoulder, closest to him.

"Let's go girlfriend!" Liam declared in a snotty girl voice. Niall pretended to chew gum and swayed his hips as he passed me. What goofballs we are! Zayn was still laughing, but made it up next to me.

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