Haunted House: The Opening

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Chapter ten: Haunted House: The Opening

Riley's P.O.V.

The sun finally disappeared under the horizon. The temperature chilled, and stars began to glitter in the sky. I stood, gazing at the house. It had 5 stories and was made with rusted bricks. My body began to quake from nerves, and the autumn winds. Waiting to get in was the worst part. Worst case scenarios form in your mind, and all the horror movies you have ever seen or heard about appear fresh in your mind. A hand was placed on my shoulder. I looked at it. It was shaking a bit, but slowly stopped as the heat from my body warmed it.

"I hope you aren't as scared as me." Liam shook. I felt his hand with my cheek. It was ice cold.

"I was hoping you were more brave than me!" I tried calming our nerves down. He balanced his weight from his toes, back to his heels.

"Are you still standing by me?" He asked nervously. I told him I was.

"Put the two scaredy cats together right?" I laughed it off. Cami came from behind us. Her face looked terrified.

"Zayn wants to walk in the front, but I can't handle that much fright!" She squeeled from the cold. I rubbed my arms.

"At least you aren't in the back. Liam and I are in the middle."

"Says who?" Emma said coming next to me, Cami, and Liam. I pointed to Liam. Emma laughed.

"Niall and I are walking ahead of you two then. That means you," she pointed to Cami, "will be ahead of me." Cami slid her hand down her face.

"The things my friends talk me into doing." She walked away in a grouch. Cami said something to Harry and Louis, and both boys walked over to us.

Louis crossed his arms. "Harold and I are in the back?" He shouted in protest. I put my hands out defensivly. "I love it!" He then cheered. He linked arms with Harry and skipped off. I turned back to Liam and Emma.

"I love Louis, right?" I joked. Emma agreed then started talking to Niall. Liam took my shoulders in his hands. He then gradually moved his hands down my arms, then around my stomache. Butterflies jittered in my stomach. He pressed himself closer to me. Oh my God. What is happening? Stop fangirling. He is probably just being friendly. Liam placed his head on my shoulder, rubbing our cheeks together. I tensed. He pulled away a bit.

"Sorry, you are just really warm and I'm really cold." He said while rubbing my arms. Just then, I heard the sound of a creaky gate opening. I saw the rest of our group crowd around a guy in a black, ripped up, flowy hood. They all motioned us over. Liam stared down at me, and hooked our arms together. I chuckled and walked with him to everyone else.

"Good, now all the victims are here!" The man in the hood quivered, with an old raspy voice. "I am here to warn you about the dangers that lurk ahead. Beware of the evil surrounding this place. Eight will go in, but will eight come out?" He laughed to himself, then opened the gate wider. "Don't say I didn't warn you!" Zayn led all of us through the gate and onto the property. The grass was yellow and crunchy. Liam's arm were still linked to mine. He stood higher then me, and made the left side of me feel safe.

"That creepy guy was kidding about the eight of us not coming out, right?" Liam said, moving me closer to him. I stared into his amazing brown eyes.

"I only hope so!" I said, making sure he knew I was kidding. We stepped up to the front steps. I took a deep breath in. Someone tapped on my shoulder and I held back a scream. Liam jumped, and I could hear Louis laugh. I faced him, making Liam stop walking and turn around.

"Hah, real funny meanie!" I snoodly said. He only grinned.

"Wait until you get inside!" Louis was evil. Liam put his arm around my waist.

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