Two Birds, One Knife

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Chapter thirty-two: Two Birds, One Knife

A/N: First off I've been waiting to write this chapter forever and it didn't turn out how I planned, but I still really like it! I appreciate all of you waiting patiently, and not finding me and hurting me! BY THE WAY BROKE 18,000 READS SO HIGH FIVES ALL AROUND! And before we start, I want to know who you guys would cast the characters in this book. I have an idea of what I think, but I'm curious to know what you guys think! PLEASE let me know because it will help me A LOT! Also, I was going to name this chapter Useless Premonitions but I found Two Birds, One Knife a lot more symbolic of what happens! This chapter may be confusing because the P.O.V.'s are all over the place, but once you get to the end they all fall together and make sense. I highly suggest re-reading this chapter so you understand everything that is happening. If you are still confused, feel free to inbox me to give you an explaination (Don't be embarrassed, people have inboxed me to clear things up before and I was happy to help!) I was going to say something else, but I can't remember so it probably wasn't that important anyway. Without further adue, CHAPTER THIRTY-TWO!


October 14, 2013

Emma's P.O.V.

How did this happen? How did everything change in a split second? I was positive it was Niall, I was positive I was going to die, but I was wrong. When the rung broke from the ladder, I thought I was going die, I thought I would die like Louis in Niall's presence, but I didn't. My stomach started to drop into a free fall and as I was falling I dropped the broken rung where I heard it echo as it hit the cold hard ground. I expected to feel the cool air glide between my fingers as I flailed, hoping I could somehow fly to avoid hitting the dirt, but instead my body was jolted to a stop and my head gave a quick snap back as I felt warm skin wrap around my wrist. I was so scarred I just let myself hang there, not even looking up. My blood pulsed through my wrist and I heard Niall's unsteady breaths.

"Emma, oh my God, oh my God, hold on!" He kept repeating to himself and I could feel tears forming in my eyes. The tears were from the close encounter of death, but what I didn't realize at the time was my change at heart. How could I have assumed Niall was the one killing everyone? If he wanted me to die, he would have let me fall, but he didn't. Niall raced down the ladder and saved me. Why was I so stupid? Why am I constantly having an inner battle with myself? Why am I still scarred? I couldn't think of anything, yet, at the same time, I was thinking of everything.

"N-N-Niall?" My breath was also shaky and I finally looked up at Niall's face. His hair was flying everywhere from the bitter wind, and his arm was shaking from the weight of supporting him and myself. He looked into my eyes, then squeezed them shut as he tried to keep us both up.

"Emma, I need you to do someting' okay? I need you to do someting' important, and it might seem scary, but it is te' only way I can get us down tere', got it?" Niall's whole aura seemed as if he was Atlas, carrying the world on his shoulders and breaking from everything.

"Yeah?" Was all I could muster out, not sure what Niall needed me to do. He stuck out his tongue and slid it back in his mouth.

"On te' count of tree' I am going to swing you up, and I need you to climb onto the oter' side of te' ladder."

"What?" I breathed, seeing my breath swirl around and mix with Niall's exhale.

"I can't hold us both, and you are not dieing from me, so climb onto te' oter' side of te' ladder so you don 't have to swing like you're on monkey bars." He said in all seriousness and I knew it was do or die, literally. I bit my lip and shook my head. "Good, now on tree', one, two-"

He swung me slowly back and forth and I had to stop myself from looking at the deathly ground below. When I was high enough, he said three, and I grabbed onto a separate rung and tried to get my leg over it. "Niall, I-I need help!" I shouted as I felt my weight start to shift under me. Niall swung himself like he was a gymnast on bars, and wrapped his feet on the bar I was on. It looked as if Niall was doing an upside down plank.

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