Haunted House: Together... For a Moment

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Chapter thirteen: Haunted House: Together... For a Moment

Niall's P.O.V.

I decided to trail against the walls while I walked alone, once again. Having a lot of time alone made me think about a lot of things. My mind needed to be distracted. I didn't want to think about Lou, Zayn or Emma. So instead, my mind wondered to a random thought. Where have pennies been? American money is small, so it could have been in a lot of places. But seriously, think of all the places pennies have been in. It's like a germ party. Eck. I grossed myself out. I scratched my fingers over the wood walls. My nails would click when they got caught in a groove, making me hype up. Pretty soon, my head found it's way on the wall. I probably looked like I was lost somewhere in my mind. I was seriously starting to consider adding another verse to my Nando's song, but my fingers grazed something ridgy.

"Huh?" I questioned myself. I blinked my eyes over to it. It was a black button. Bored out of my mind I pressed it in. I howled in pain. I lifted my thumb to the brim of my eyes. A big red indent was left in it. Okay, so I guess I didn't push it in. I placed my pointer finger and thumb from my other hand on the button. I turned it to the right. A giant piece of wood moved away from the wall. It was 10 feet wide and three feet tall. Glass was over it, but in the middle was a little glass door. Whoop whoop! I said to myself, raising the roof. I skipped over to the door and clicked my heels together. I knelt down and looked at the door. I cursed under my breath. It had the tiniest glass knob. Ever. I fiddled with it for sometime. My fingers kept slipping off of it and I was getting annoyed. A screaming sound was heard off in the distance. I stepped away from the door, laying on my stomach. My hands were on the ground in case I needed to pop up and run. The screaming got louder, but it was muffled. Soon five spider costumes whizzed past, dragging something. I was freaked out, but scooted closer to the glass. My eyes must have exploded out of my head when I saw Riley being dragged. I pressed myself up to the glass. When she saw me she attempted grabbing the door. I tried opening it again, but no luck. She banged on the glass as she got dragged away.

"No!" I whispered angrily. "No, no, NO!" I shouted, smacking my hands on the glass as she disappeared from view. I couldn't get her face out of my head. She was terrified. I stopped suddenly. Would that happen to Emma? Oh my gosh. I needed out of here now! I sunk my head low as I made my way back to the button. I turned it to the right but it got stuck. I turned it to the left, expecting the glass to get covered up by the wood, but it didn't. Instead I heard a little click.

"You've got to be kidding me!" I screeched. I ran over to the door and slid on my stomach the last five feet. To my utter failure, the door unlocked. How stupid could I be? Of course it was locked before! I slowly opened the door and made my way inside. I realized the ceiling was also as high as the glass. I crawled on my stomach and elbows. They got pretty soar very quick. I just want this to be over.

Liam's P.O.V.

"What do you mean she's gone mate?" I panicked. First Louis, now Riley. Louis hadn't made his way to Emma and Zayn's group, so where could he have gone? Where is Riley now? Harry just laid there with his head down.

"I almost had her mate... I was so close..." He moaned into his shirt sleeve. I really tried not getting angry. I know he tried. I pulled him off the ground.

"I know, I'm sorry..." I wrapped him in a bear hug. I noticed Cami sitting on the ground zoning out. "Come her and join the group hug!" I said to her. She jolted up, but walked over joining in our hug.

"Can we leave now?" She asked, breaking the hug. Harry nodded.

"Onward!" He commanded with a salute. We decided to walk side to side now that there was only three of us. Cami was in the middle, obviously afraid of everything in this room. We contemplated splitting up to look for a door, but decided to stay together. It may take longer, but we all felt more safe. We found a door in the right corner of the room. Harry opened it up awkwardly.

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