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Chapter thirty: Sooner

A/N: Just real quickly, HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY EMMA YOU MAJESTICAL BEAST AND YOU'RE WELCOME FOR YOU KNOW WHAT!!! (If you don't know @theanondirectioner, she's one of my best friends and has some amazing HORROR/PARANORMAL stories about 1D. If you like the characters in this book, you will ENJOY VERY MUCH her books!) And another thing, I need to let it out... I SAW ONE DIRECTION ON SUNDAY JULY14 IN CHICAGO ASDFGHJKL THEY WERE SO AMAZING LIVE! And as you can see, I have a new cover by @victoriastay which is absolutely AWESOME! Thanks again! And if you haven't, you should check her books out as well! On the side, there is another cover I reaaallllyy liked by @beckalah1Dgal I just want to say thank you very much to her as well! Also on the side, there is a song. You should listen to it WHILE reading. I say just start it when you start reading.:) I HOPE YOU ENJOY!

Liam's P.O.V.

I felt my heart fall to my stomach, and my stomach tie in a deadly knot, suffocating everything.


I'll start from the beginning.

After I told Emma about Zayn, Louis, and Niall, we both heard a thud down the flight of attic stairs. Naturally curious and protective, I told Emma to stay in the attic while I went to check it out, and naturally she refused. We moved slowly over to the attic steps, making sure to avoid the hole. Her footprints were starting to be less visible as her blood started to dry.

"Are you sure you don't want to stay up here?" I asked her right at the edge of the steps. She looked down the steps, then back towards Brooke's body. I felt her pause, then stagger over her breath.

"You know what, I think I will stay up here." Her whisper was wispy and sounded a bit flustered. I wasn't sure why, but now I think I wanted her to come with me. Maybe it was the way she changed her mind on a dime... I'm probably just over thinking it. She's probably more safe up in the attic anyway.

"Okay, okay, just don't move, and if something happens, or if someone tries to hurt you, scream." I said looking from over my shoulder, touching one of the lower beams by the stairs. She nodded her head and breathed out through her nose.

"The same goes for you." Emma said, but there was something about the way she said it that made me feel like she didn't believe what she meant. I pulled my lips in and just nodded, turning for the stairs.

"Meet you soon?" I asked looking at the bottom of the stairs. She didn't respond so I turned over my shoulder and she was itching for me to go down, I could feel it. "Emma?" I asked again, not moving another centimeter.

"Yeah, yeah, see you soon." Emma spoke as if she wasn't sure and that she was getting pulled back into a false reality.

"Alright." I said under my breath. I could hear whispering as I got closer to the bottom of the stairs. I made sure not to make my steps too big and heavy, not wanting to attract attention to myself. As I came to around the last step, I could see two people on the ground on the other end of the hallway. Oh my gosh, were they getting hurt?

I stepped off the stairs and slyly made my way into a room with yellow walls and white furniture. I ducked my head around the side to see the two figures better.

"I'm not leaving you." I heard a male voice say. Was that... Harry? "No matter what, get it into that thick skull of yours." His voice continued. But who was he pinning down on the ground? God, my vision was poor without a lot of lights.

"You really, truly, mean it?" A voice that I could not mistake spoke. It was Riley. So Harry and Riley are still in a group... But that doesn't explain why she was pinned to the floor by Harry, or that thud Emma and I heard.

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