Happy Halloween! (I Totally Suck)

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Wow, hey guys! I feel like I haven't been here for a year!... Oh wait...
And the award for the worst Wattpad author of the year goes to...
I have neglected the story (and you guys :( ) soo so so so soooo much and I feel super guilty! I have thought about what I was going to write in this little note to you for months, but now I am blanking!
FIRST AND FOREMOST: THIS BOOK IS NOT FINISHED. I REPEAT, THIS BOOK IS NOT FINISHED. I am still in the process of writing it, and I have COMPLETE intention to finish it!
So, Riley, why the heck were you absent for so long??
Good question.
Wellllll, there are many answers to this.

First: High school- Now being in my second year of high school, I have taken on some pretty rigorous classes and joined very committed clubs. (Well,I did too last year, but this year I also joined a vocal/musical company and I am also taking *queue the sad violins* APUSH) so due to this, I am always busy and my brain is constantly running, and when I get a day off (as much as I would love to write) I kind of just sit down and watch or read or draw stuff. Writing a book requires energy guys, and I want to produce good enough quality chapters for y'all.

Second: Fandoms- Oh my gosh in the past year and a half I have joined soooo many fandoms and have ruined the social life I have (had), and this results in having my feels and attention scattered very thin, so as much as I love the boys, I haven't had as much time to dwell over them recently. Oh, by the way, did anyone go to the 1D 5SOS concert August 29th in Chicago? CAUSE I DID WOO! And also the Supernatural convention that happened last weekend in Chicago? CAUSE I WENT THERE TOO! So, basically, the feels are strong in me with lots of things (Bands, TV Shows, Anime... *JeanMarco*) which unfortunately results in not having enough emotion in my pieces.

Third: This is a hard one... I started writing this book a little over two years ago when things were very simple. But from that time to now, A TON of things have changed and it's hard to set things straight. For example, this book takes place in 2012, so the boys have to be who they were in 2012 which is really hard for me to continuously write things without throwing in present day 1D. Also, my friends and I have also changed a little bit (yes, we are all best friends still, no need to worry) so I feel like if I were to write about us in this book right now their actions or personalities would be a little different resulting in a continuity error (well, I guess that would only apply to Emma and I because Alexis, Cami, and Brooke are dead). I want to write and finish this book because I had every plot point plotted out since 2012, so it's not like I'm out of ideas- I actually knew the ending before the juicy stuff in the middle or even the beginning! It's just that I need to re-read my ENTIRE BOOK (oh boy, why are there 39 chapters?? xD) so I get their personalities back and I can refresh my brain with every little detail that happened so I don't add something that wasn't there or leave something out that wasn't, you feel me brahs? PS I don't know why that was all in italics.

Now on to some other things before I forget. This book has completely BLOWN UP since I last updated. Like, guys, 51,000 reads? ARE YOU GUYS INSANE?? WHY WOULD YOU EVEN WANT TO READ THIS MY SLIM JIM BUTTER BISCUITS? So seriously, who hacked this and why did you read it like 12,000 times? (Joking) Thanks guys, seriously, it warms my heart but also makes me want to jump in a pool and isolate myself there because I haven't updated. Now that I think about it, I left you guys at a really bad time. That was a cruel cliff hanger and I didn't even intend it to be SORRY MIS AMIGOS. Hopefully in that time you guys came up with some theroies (OH MY GOSH I LOVE SEEING YOUR THEORIES!) and hopefully you guys only hate me and not my book. I'm actually quite surprised no one has murdered me yet, so thanks for that guys!

Going to be honest, since like June I think, my phone gives me Wattpad updates, so every time someone voted or commented or added my story to their reading lists or followed me, I could see it. I'm cringing. I'm sorry, I know. That just obviously made me feel like more of a female dick, but I just wasn't prepared to face my responsibility yet. BUT NOW I AM. I usually respond to every single person who did/does all of the things above, but since my book has gained so many readers, I don't think it is possible I can respond to all of them without having a mental and social break down. But I do believe I have seen all of the comments and I want to let you know I did acknowledge everything you guys said/say and it means a lot to me you guys care enough about this book to *harrass* encourage me not to be an anti-social, lazy, MOFO! :D You guys are the best.

I know I was going to say something else, but I forgot, so I should probably just end this here. No, this is not part of the story (I don't know when the next update will be, seeing as I have to re-read the book and find time not to be lazy) and sorry again if you read all the way through this wanting to punch me in the face, I understand, I want to punch me in the face too.

(I started writing this last night, but then my friends and I went to see Oujia and then I got home and crashed, so I finished this this morning/afternoon. P.S. I am not really allowed to trick-or-treat anymore, but Halloween is my favorite holiday, so I dressed up and passed out candy while "harassing" little children. Some of them were mean :( okay, I think that's it, peace!)


November 1st 2014

Oh wait, one more thing, looking back at chapters I did re-read, my spelling and grammar is kind of bad, so I should go back and fix that...)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2014 ⏰

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