Haunted House: Gone

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Chapter twelve: Haunted House: Gone

Riley's P.O.V. 

I wanted to go in the left tunnel, but they wanted to go in the right one. Harry hauled me over. I felt all jittery and spastic. I kept moving my fingers and blinking my eyes. At some point Harry grabbed my hands and made me stand still. 

"Stop moving little girl!" Harry held onto my fingers tightly. I blinked. "And stop blinking. You are freaking me out." He said playfully. I agreed. I felt like a six year old. I honestly had no clue why. A sensation started tingling my nose. My eyes started to water. Harry coughed. 

"What is this?" Liam put his hands out. Yellow mist started inching it's way along the ground. My legs felt wobbly. I clung to Harry for support. 

"Woah there partner!" Harry laughed. Liam came up to me and wrapped my arm around him. 

"A little light headed are we?" Liam motioned Cami over. I swallowed air. 

"It must just be this mist..." I grumbled. I had a sudden pang of anger and violence. I wanted to yell at all of them to let me be. It then went away as fast as it came. Liam stopped walking. His face was in shear terror. I raised my eyebrow. Then I saw it. Bits of the shadow we saw earlier split apart from my body. Wholey moley. Was it...inside of me? I flipped around to Liam. He put a finger to his mouth once we both realized what was going on. It happened to him. It happened to me. My legs weren't jelly anymore, and I could keep my blinking and finger twiddeling under control. 

"Thanks guys, but I think I am fine now." I walked ahead of everyone, wanting to be out of here so bad.

Liam's P.O.V. 

I was still in complete, utter, terror. I saw the shadow step out of her, and flash a nasty grin my way. It headed into the ongoing mist, and disappeared in a second. Cami ran ahead, keeping pace with Riley. Harry lumbered next to me. The girls entered the room first. The floors we grates. The walls were grates. The ceiling was a grate. We were in a giant cage. Human bones were scattered around the bottoms.  

"Interesting..." Harry grumbled with disgust. I tilted my head, cracking my neck. Harry squeezed his eyes shut. He rambled on about how gross cracking joints were. I ignored him and walked along the edge of the cage.  

"Liam wait!" Cami shouted out. She was behind Riley, and was scared. I stopped and Harry bonked into me. He cursed then backed up.  

"What is going on?" I grabbed onto the wall, letting my weight fall back. Cami jumped. Riley piped up. 

"The crates swing." She said. I looked infront of me. My feet were two inches from being on a moving crate. "I don't know how sturdy these are..." She moved turtle like. After she completed the first cage, the crates started to swing by themselfs. The room Harry and I were in started to rumble and made awful clanking noises. Riley fumbled forward and lost her balance. I wanted to run in there, but Cami glared at me. She got down on her hands and knees, crawling to the next crate. Once she made it, I let Harry go in first. He kept tugging at me.  

"Go." I said pushing him forward. He followed behind Cami. After he moved on to the next one, I inched my way in. It jolted me sideways. Who's messed up idea was to add these in here anyway? I took note of everyone else. Riley made it to the last grate. She looked at me in horror. Oh God. I looked behind me. A clown was standing behind me with a knife. He approached me. 

"OH NO!" I yelled stumbling forward. It broke into a run. 

"RUN LIAM RUN!" Riley's scream reminded me of Katniss in the Hunger Games. The clown was full out sprinting. I tripped but ran. I got thrown against the cage walls as I moved away from the clown. It laughed at me and snorted. I approached Harry who was going slow.  

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