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Chapter one: Liam

Riley's P.O.V. 

The telephone wires moved up and down like little waves in the night sky. I stretched my neck backwards so I could get a better view of the sky from my seat in the car. Of course I wasn't able to get the view I wanted because the seatbelt was so flipping tight. After multiple attempts I sighed in triumph. I decided to take in the view from the windshield. I liked the way the lights glided across the rode in little circles. Being lost in my thoughts I didn't hear Liam laugh at me.  

"Riley, what are you doing?" He said glancing over at me then back at the rode. I was too tired to put on my defense so I just smiled. 

"I was trying to catch a glimps of the stars, but with your driving it makes it impossible." My cheeky grin made my words sarcastic. He opened his mouth in defense.  

"I am the most responsible driver around!" I could tell he was trying to hold back a smile by the way the corner of his lips quivered. I pulled my hair around my shoulder. 

"I know, I'm only teasing. I do just have one complaint though." I looked at his brown hair then to his soft brown eyes. Liam's head turned and the light from the rode made half of him look like a silhouette, and the other half the caring loving boy I knew him to be.  

"And what would that be love?" He turned his head back to the road. Of course he would. So responsible. I could feel the fake tears forming in my eyes. I gave the seatbelt a tug and it didn't give more slack. 

"The seatbelts. They are so tight. I feel confined." I said still holding on the safety belt. Liam laughed but did not take his eyes off the road.  

"Well I can't just loosen em' it is for your own safety. You know, so you don't fly out the window or something." I chuckled. That my friend, was one of the lamest excuses I have ever heard out of the great Liam Payne. 

"Well Liam, with your driving record, I don't think I have to worry about flying out of the window." I knew I had won this one out when he only smiled. I felt my body jerk to the right as he pulled into my driveway. I unclicked the seatbelt and sighed with relief. Liam gave me a funny look but i shugged it off. I opened the car door and was about to step out when Liam grabbed my arm. I looked at him confused. This only made him break into a fit of smiles. "Liam?" I said utterly confused at this point. 

"Come here, you!" Liam said grabbing my other arm and swinging me around into his lap. Liam was much taller then me so i fit well into his lap. He was warm and still held on to my arms so his were crossed like an "x." His chin rested on my head, but he slowly worked his way down so his jawline rested on my cheek. My skin started to tingle and my heart sped up. I silently prayed he couldn't feel it pounding. Even though I had been wrapped into many hugs from each of the bandmates, I could not help but blush like crazy. We sat there in silence for awhile. It wasn't an awkward silent, but more of a connecting silence. I turned my eyes from his face to look at the clock. 

"Shoot I have to get inside Liam!" I said swinging his arms up even though I wanted this to last longer. His face looked hurt but he understood. I unuzzled myself from him and crawled to the passenger seat and opened the door. Before shutting it, I looked at Liam. "Night Liam." As I shut the door I heard him say, 

"Oh no wait, wait, wait!" His hands were out infront of him and was shaking them back and forth. Before I could stop the door, it closed. Great, now I look rude. I turned back to the door and reached for the handle but Liam put his pointer finger up, telling me to hold on. He quickly opened his door and went around the front of the car. He stopped infront of me and ran his fingers through his already messed up hair.  

"Uh, well, I know you don't really like scarey things, and I did tell the boys that, but they just kept pushing and-" I cut him off by putting my hand to his face.  

"If you need to tell me something then say it." I said sweetly. He took my hand that was in his face and brought it down by his side. He laced our fingers together and I blushed. He took a deep breath in then let it out. 

"Okay, you are right. I, uh, we, were wondering if you wanted to come to a haunted house with us tomorrow night then hang out at Louis's after?" He said hesitantly. I absolutly do not ever ever ever like scary things, especially haunted houses. I guess Liam could read my facial expression because he spoke up. "I mean you don't have to go if you don't want too, I totally understand. But I guess it would be nice... if you did go, I mean." 

I let that sink in for a moment. If I did go, I would get to hang out with him all night, right? I guess that couldn't hurt. 

"I'm only saying yes if I get to be in the middle next to you!" I said giving him a hug around the waist. "And because I also want to see Louis pee his pants." I added so things weren't awkward. He hugged me back and kissed the top of my head while chuckling to himself. 

"That is alot to ask for love. If you stand by me, we have to go in the back because I want to see you and Louis pee your pants." He said sarcasticly. I pulled back from the hug and gave him a playful punch to his arm. 

"You're horrible you know that?" I said keeping a giant grin on my face. He rubbed his arm pathetically. 

"Really? If I'm so horrible, then why can't you resist me?" He said pulling me back into a giant mushy hug. I laughed then looked up at his face.  

"You are impossible!" I said holding the "le" because Liam squeezed me and went back and forth. After he let me go I took a giant breath. 

"Not fair Liam! You know I'm like a noodle compared to you!" He laughed and said, "I know! That's why it's fun!" He gave me a quick kiss on the cheek then headed for his car. He waved goodbye then drove out of sight. I spun around in a circle then went over to my garage. I quickly did my garage code then went inside. Tomorrow was going to be interesting.

Left For Dead:	A One Direction HorrorWhere stories live. Discover now