Fact Or Fiction?

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Chapter seventeen: Fact Or Fiction?

Alexis's P.O.V.

Liam leapt away from me and into the back rooms. I sighed, he was going to have to admit to liking someone at some point. I got up and walked over to Riley snail like. She was awful quiet. Her gaze wouldn't meet mine. My mind was reeling into a fishless ocean. Something was definetly wrong. Was she trying to avoid me on purpose?

"Is everything alright?" I asked her out loud. Probably not the best decison. Everyone looked up and starred at us like aliens. Riley looked up and around at their faces. She then looked at me with a twinge of a glare in her eyes. We all waited for her response.

"Oh, uh, yeah I'm good!" She was good at fooling people with her emotions, but not me. I knew Riley like Batman and Robin. She started fiddling with Louis's bag strap. I poked her on the shoulder. "What?" She sounded tired. I smiled and she gave a half hearted one.

"Do we need to talk about something?" I gave her a weird duck face, hoping to make her smile. No use. She dropped the bag strap a little to violently.

"Nope. Everything's fine and dandy!" She didn't make eye contact and pinched her lips together. I opened my mouth to say something, but she got up, stepping around me over to her bag on the couch. She pulled out her phone and started scrolling through it. Ugh, why was she so stubborn?

Riley's P.O.V.

I felt bad avoiding her. It felt wrong being upset with her. We never fought and now look at me! I started it. I can be such an idiot sometimes. I looked through my phone at my pictures. I saw a couple of Liam and me and I passed one of me and Alexis. We were on a carnival ride at Fall Fest. It was the spinning tea cups and before it started I snapped a picture of us twirling the tea cup. Why was I even mad? Oh right, because of a stupid boy. No, not just any stupid boy, Liam Payne, the boy I was desperatly in love with. I would like to say I'm the person who doesn't really get upset over a boy, but sometimes I can't help it. When Alexis hugged him, I didn't think much of it until he blushed like a mad man. I did not notice the couch sink next to me. The weight of someone scooted closer to me. I quickly tried to exit out of the photos but I was too slow.

"That day was fun wasn't it?" Alexis said to the left of me. I just nodded in agreement. She gave a throaty sigh and rolled her eyes. "Can't you just tell me why you are mad at me?"

I squinted my eyes together and looked at her. "Who said I was mad at you?" I said putting my guard up. She slapped her legs quietly with her hands.

"Because I know if something else was bothering you, you would straight up tell me!" She snapped at me. Why did she have to know me so well? Oh right, because she's my best friend. I leaned back against the couch and put my hands out behind it. She did the same thing, except she had way more force. We both bounced up from the impact then back down. We starred at each other with a big eyed, tight lipped, expression. Then, we just started laughing for no reason. We laughed until tears poured from our eyes. We really were a messed up pair of friends. Once we settled down a bit, I wiped the tears from my puffy eyes. It turns out we did it at the same exact time which only caused us to laugh more. The two of us were gasping for breath and settled down. "So, are you going to tell me why you were upset?" She said giving me a big cheesy grin. I smiled and pulled my hair around my shoulder.

"Nope!" I said simply. Her mouth fell open and her grin vanished.

"Why! You know you can tell me anything!" She muttered loudly. I faced her and rested my calm hands on my jeans.

"Because it was so stupid and trivial." I stood up and so did she. I stretched arms above my head and my back cracked making me jump.

"Can you at least tell me what it was about?" She stuck out her bottom lip. I passed her and waved for her to follow me. She seemed confused but followed anyway. We squeezed past the others who were just talking in a little pow wow circle. Alexis walked a step behind me.

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