Bodies in the Tank

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Chapter twenty-three: Bodies in the Tank

Cami's P.O.V.

I rolled over to my right and had a rude awakening. I shot my eyes open. No Zayn. I sat up and looked around. I could hardly see a thing. From what I could barley make out, it seemed everyone was asleep. I felt like something was waiting for me. A chill rolled up my spine as I wrapped myself in blankets. If they can't see me, they can't get me, I repeated to myself over and over. The blankets weren't helping me. Sweat formed on my brows and I decided to take out my phone from my pocket. When I get scared, I scroll through my phone and look at pictures with me and my friends, or of me and Zayn. The light stung my eyes, and I had to squint for awhile. I was just about to shut off my phone and go back to bed when I heard a female yell from upstairs. I jumped out of my seat, alarmed. That's when my phone's light flashed around the room. Zayn wasn't the only one gone. Riley, Emma, and Harry were all gone. This is getting mysterious. I stepped over Liam and headed for the steps as another curling scream came from up stairs. I was hesitant at first, then remembered Zayn might be up there. I sprinted for the steps, and threw myself from the railing for more speed. I was just about to take a step into the olden hallway when a hand violently wrapped around my waist and two fingers stuck down my throat. I gagged but no sound came out. This only made me freak more. I felt like I was being suffocated. The dry fingers slid around my throat and I cringed. I clawed the hands of my attacker and broke skin. Their skin went underneath my fingernails and their blood spilled upon my nails. I tried kicking back at the attacker, but they saw it coming and brought their foot down on my foot and made my leg pop. I screamed out, but the scream made my throat close further. I got dragged down the stairs and I could sense the big, fat, tears streaking down my face and drop from my jawline. I could feel my leg wobble around as it got twisted around from the stairs hitting against it. I attempted turning my head, but I could feel myself weaken from the lack of oxygen. The attacker dragged me past my friends and none of them were awake. I couldn't process this. My eyes started to close. NO! I have to keep trying! The attacker carried me further, around the bar counter and into a room of cement. The footsteps of my attacker were heavy, so I was assuming it was a man. I tried to speak, my saliva frothed up in my throat and over his hand. Ew! He slammed the door and threw me on the ground, smashing my head onto the cement. It raged with pain and my eyesight began to blur. This can't be happening I can't die! I haven't lived! I wreathed around the floor to get a look at my attacker but I couldn't move. I heard a door screech along the floor as my head vibrated. Blood poured from my head, I could see it from the corner of my eyes. A dark red splotch on the gray floor. My blood filled the cracks and holes in the floor and I gasped for air like a fish from water. Before I knew it, hands wrapped around me and turned me to look in a room. I thought cement was the only thing in here. It was black and a giant water container stood in view. My head hung limp and I could see myself fade away. Then, a pain shot through my body as my stomach began to bleed. I strained my eyes to look at the source of the pain, and almost fainted. My attacker pulled the long, bloody knife, out from my stomach and the floor splashed with blood. This was it, I'm going to die and there is nothing I can do about it. My attacker stuck his fingers back down my throat as tears poured down my face from pain and misery. I saw his arm lift the lid to the container, and he threw me in. Ice water formed around me and I screamed, mustering up enough strength. My scream came out into dark bubbles as he pushed me in the water, and closed the lid. Headache, no air, and bleeding wound, I drifted off into an endless sleep of death.

Alexis's P.O.V.

Harry wasn't there when I woke up. I thought he was going to the bathroom when I noticed everyone else was up and ruffled.

"Where's the fire?" I sat up. Niall was pacing, and Liam was pale. Louis and Brooke were whispering nervously back and fourth. They all ignored me. I rolled my eyes and pulled out my phone. it was 1:56 a.m. "Why are we all up right now?" I said more sternly, expecting an answer. Niall flipped around to me.

Left For Dead:	A One Direction HorrorOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora